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Old 17th February 2018
beavers beavers is offline
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Posts: 85

Originally Posted by jggimi View Post
I am now of the opinion that you have a symbolic link in your filesystems pointing back into "/" where it shouldn't. When your ramdisk root partition fills up, what is it filling with?
(emphasis changed) You were absolutely right. I ran another upgrade, and as it fills up the device, the last few files written were:

/: write failed, file system is full
tar: Failed write to file ./var/www/bin/ping: No space left on device
tar: Failed write to file ./var/www/bin/traceroute: No space left on device
tar: Could not create: ./var/www/cache: No space left on device
tar: Could not create: ./var/www/cgi-bin: No space left on device
tar: Unable to create ./var/www/conf: No space left on device
...and the bells go off in my head. I reboot and check a few things:

$ ls -AlF /var
lrwxr-xr-x  1 www  www  12 Mar  8  2017 /var/www@ -> /storage/www

$ grep storage /etc/fstab
/dev/sd4a /storage ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
So, it's failing to write to /mnt/var/www, either because it's a symlink, or because the target isn't mounted, I guess? Does that explain why it would write to the root of the ramdisk?

At any rate, I rebooted bsd.rd, created /storage on the ramdisk, then mounted sd4a there, and the upgrade proceeded as expected. Woohoo!

TL;DR -- I am a newb, and jggimi very astutely diagnosed my goofy mistake. Thank you immensely for your assistance!
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