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Old 3rd January 2009
J65nko J65nko is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Budel - the Netherlands
Posts: 4,131

The input was a list of files, the output should be mv commands to rename the files. The sed solution is a little bit complicated, because there is no easy way to save the original file name.

Your one-liner does not create these 'mv' commands files, as was the requirement

This modification of your script does produce them:
  orig = $1
  printf("mv %s %s\n", orig, $1) ;  
Saved as 'ren_awk' you use it this way:
$ awk -f ren_awk tmp 
mv NOW/latest-pkg NOW/latest_pkg
mv NOW/latest-pkg-calyx NOW/latest_pkg-calyx
mv NOW/latest-pkg-erlangen NOW/latest_pkg-erlangen
mv NOW/latest-pkg-esat NOW/latest_pkg-esat
mv NOW/latest-pkg-plig NOW/latest_pkg-plig
mv NOW/latest-pkg-stacken NOW/latest_pkg-stacken
You don't need to be a genius to debug a pf.conf firewall ruleset, you just need the guts to run tcpdump
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