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Old 23rd September 2011
BSDfan666 BSDfan666 is offline
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The relevant bits on the page are applicable to OpenBSD, and can be added to xorg.conf or set manually in your .xinitrc/.xsession scripts.

They're trying to get automatic configuration working, so that the xf86-input-wscons driver can accept a keyboard layout configured system-wide using the system supported wscons layouts or using XKB layouts configured using either setxkbmap(1) or using deprecated file-based configuration, which includes both xorg.conf and xorg.conf.d.

The -current FAQ simply states,
If you have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file that exists mainly to set keyboard type and nationality that file should be removed.
Meaning, if you only created the file for keyboard configuration, you should switch to using the user-specific setxkbmap configuration.

For many people, you do not need to have an xorg.conf (..or xorg.conf.d for that matter!). However, it is often neccessary for video cards that need additional quirks to run properly.

That -FAQ entry was NOT suggesting you remove xorg.conf for all purposes it serves OR switch to xorg.conf.d.

I'm not going to argue with you any longer, I'm giving you the facts, if you're running into some sort of language barrier, I simply can't help you overcome that.
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