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Old 17th December 2013
divel divel is offline
Port Guard
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Madrid, Spain
Posts: 14

The article says:
"BSDs want to remain, to the end, rooted in UNIX tradition and retain the same model. This means that the base Operating Systems rarely receive revolutionary changes and remain true and faithful to the philosophy of simplicity and one-tool-for-one-job. The users of BSD operating systems tend to be conservative and generally do not like change for change's sake."
IMHO, I also had this perspective but exceptions can be found in the recent pkgng(fbsd) more focused on doing more than one thing in a single command or PBI packages in PC-BSD that is assimilated to MS Windows system, for example. Then: are conservative changes a condition of the dimension and capacity of the BSD community or a server-oriented ecosystem less devastated by the consumer market?

Another question:

Does the conservative and intelligent design is superior to evolutionary design and adaptability discussed between BSD and Linux? I want to think what, it depends.
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