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Old 16th June 2011
ocicat ocicat is offline
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Originally Posted by sharris View Post
So only a guesting game for me down to post #21 with flames coming from left to right... Geez! Great job guys
Actually sharris, it is you who is beginning to cross the line by crying slander. Information provided to you by jggimi, rocket357. & BSDfan666 is based on years of experience & learning. Dismissing their statements simply because it doesn't match your view of the world doesn't speak highly of you or your willingness to deal with evidence contrary to your understanding. I have worked with some of these people for years. They know their stuff. They have shared it with you in good faith.
If you read between the line it said "something like this".
Let me pass on some advice about Internet forum sites. Some of the people you are conversing with may be half a world away, & English may not be their first language. All anyone can in a forum is work with the information provided. If you state one thing, but mean another, you have failed to communicate; no one else can be blamed. Interjecting unrelated jokes & other irrelevant comments might spice up conversation between you & friends in an in-person conversation, but it doesn't help in discussion limited to an Internet forum site. It may have the opposite effect by simply confusing your audience. Actually, a number of people have mentioned this to you on more than one occasion in very non-combative responses.
You can only make the correction which is close as flies on sh*t.
Resorting to four-letter language is not acceptable on this site. Period. This statement should be very clear.
I said nothing wrong to anyone.
No one here has anything to gain by intentionally leading you astray either. rocket356 provided you the name of a recent PostgreSQL title focused on performance issues. I, too, have this title, & it is a solid reference on performance & tuning. Because many of your posts of late indicate you have a strong interest in performance tweaking, I highly suggest you get the book & study some grounded pronouncements on what real knobs you can turn to take fuller advantage of existing hardware. It doesn't matter whether you have any interest in databases or not. The book is that good on very fundamental points.
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