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Old 2nd July 2015
Mike-Sanders Mike-Sanders is offline
Fdisk Soldier
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 52

Or maybe, its just passive-aggressiveness...

Who here will give up (say) two meals a week, not offer chump change to a charity mind you, but shed some of your belly fat to see that those malnourished rats running circles in place can eat more? But wait I cant! For I must tweet & post about these problems using the same device they built... Oh the horror! Maybe pay your brown-skinned stoop labor $10.USD per hr to pick your vegetables? Naw, I'm too busy trying to impress the 'troll'. Here's another... stay after work all week & help that dark skinned janitor? Eww... dont wanna get my hands dirty. Talk the talk, or walk the talk fellas? None of us here could build a mouse & thats the flat out truth. You might not like it, but that's life. Now then, you be sure to reply using an OS you built, on a computer you built (from scratch) yourselves. Noam Chomsky will chime in after his book tour is over to help the poor & unwashed.