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Old 1st July 2015
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Originally Posted by sacerdos_daemonis View Post
I cannot watch YouTube, so cannot comment on this particular video.
Have you tried youtube-dl? It is an installable package.

There is a ton I could say about Peter Joseph. His ideas reminde me of the book (and movie) A Brave New World.

With Jesse Ventura on "Off the Grid", Peter stated that change was coming one way or another. He implies that the suffering met by being forced into change could be avoided if we instead chose the change before it was the only option.

I can't defend Peter since I really don't know him. I can say that great claims made in the span of two minutes are not likely to make a full disclosure of an opinion's level of integrity. If I told people that everyone was the center of their own universe, some might argue that their children or spouse were actually the center of his/her universe. A little bit more time might be needed to clearly point out that they are the ones that chose that preoccupation "for themselves". Their childern or spouse have no acting power at that center.

I think you will invariably find a statement, on complex subject matter, very misleading when it is vaguely expressed. If you are a lawyer or politicion you can take great advantage of this. The question might be, "Is Peter taking advantage of this?". In the same breath if there was some value to Peter's claims, he has left them wide open to slander by not defining in an absolute (or absolute as possible) fashion. I don't doubt that Peter himself would agree with some of the arguments based on the incomplete anaylsis his statements provide space for. In a more detailed expossition he could probably show that his point(s) had validity excusing the multitude of data not expressed. I should add that he does provide lengthy documents at no charge for those that would like to build up a case against him.

It might have been better to say that a small percentage of the mass can build a mouse. I think his point is that the mentality of the mass is to follow trends designed for by the expotation of basic human psychology. Another way of saying it is that we are consumers because that is the intentionally set nature of the environment that has programmed our drives. No one knowing how to make a mouse is like know one knowing how to swim in the book (and movie) "The Time Machine".

The issue he points out is an old one. Designed common interest creates cohesion. Common intreset based on consumption is continuous and developable cohesion. A really simple way to look at it is a hamster wheel. The claim in this case is that when the hamster wheel locks up it will take the ecosystem with it. Another claim is that the bigger hamsters guard the food dish while the little guys have to run the wheel. And its true that the little guy shouldn't have to run the wheel so hard when there is enough food in the dish for everyone. If you take the hamster wheel out of the cage, humanity is face to face with the fact that it is in a cage. Out of necessity human psychology adapts to its new circumstance and eventually the newly attained balance starts looking like oppression. After enough generations pass by, capitalism will rise from the ashes of balanced community until again it must burn out and become the oppressor. I'm not saying that all persons in a balanced community will want more for doing nothing. Just that eventually the ones that can see the oppertunity will eventually take it and sell everyone else to dream of its attainability. Those that don't want dream have to come along anyway or the wheel will run them over.

Both the fictinal books I've mentioned are written by men well versed on this subject in relation to history and the human race.

The whole this is like a black and white checked board.

Last edited by fn8t; 1st July 2015 at 03:39 PM.