Thread: MBR not GPT?
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Old 30th January 2012
sharris sharris is offline
Package Pilot
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 146
Default Good News!!!

Guys, I been posting about this problem all last year and no one ever said a word, well at lease no one knew the solution. Obviously, not everyone knew how-to before the links you are about to see. I been drowning deeper into misery every since posting this thread and was ready to jump-ship for CentOS-6 or the best to be had. My attempt was soo sad, than I just found this:

[10-02-2011] by wblock FreeBSD Developer

[12-31-2011] by wblock FreeBSD Developer

I created only 40 GB worth of slices:
HD original sz	80.0 GB
FreeBSD	claim	79456.92MB
Few space left	542.10MB
As you see FreeBSD claim more than the 40GB given to slices. No big deal. I'm sure I can dump the system and put it into any other machine that has a 100GB PRIMARY waiting for it. If not, on all other machines I have scripts ready for PcBSD which is on PRIMARY-2 to take care of this. And if not again, I'll dd the entire UFS PRIMARY to file and save it to a USB flash stick using ARCH-LINUX to get the job done.

One thing for sure, I'm not going to use this installer on my main machines just to see if FreeBSD will not claim the entire drive, destroying all of my working partitions. This happen to me twice last year because confident was high ... As you see on my test/dump machine it did it AGAIN!

Anyway, what wblock have give-if is more than enough. Unless all of this got fixed around 9.0 rc2 it is amazing how something as simple as "Select Create on desired drive again ... " ... may have caused many an entire year of unhappiness and to think the top guys at FreeBSD never said a word while hundreds of users begged for the answers since day the installer was changed back in late May or June. Maybe they did not even know!!!. It's just too bad wblock threads are now buried so deep that satin can't find them. I was just plain lucky to find the main one.

Thank God for wblock!

Last edited by sharris; 30th January 2012 at 08:01 AM.
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