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Old 17th August 2017
Amithapr Amithapr is offline
Fdisk Soldier
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 69

Hi Jggimi,

Thanks for the information. I have installed NtopNG on my OpenBSD 6.1 firewall. Then I tried to install OpenVPN on it. Below is the output of the pkg_info command

# pkg_info
GeoIP-1.6.5p5 find the country where IP address/hostname originates from
bzip2-1.0.6p8 block-sorting file compressor, unencumbered
cairo-1.14.8 vector graphics library
curl-7.53.1 get files from FTP, Gopher, HTTP or HTTPS servers
cvsps-2.1p0 generate patchsets from CVS repositories
geolite-asn-20170208 GeoIP GeoLite database: IPv4/v6 address to AS number
geolite-city-20170208 GeoIP GeoLite database: IPv4/v6 address to city
geolite-country-20170208 GeoIP GeoLite database: IPv4/v6 address to country
gettext- GNU gettext runtime libraries and programs
git-2.12.2 GIT - Tree History Storage Tool
glib2-2.50.3 general-purpose utility library
graphite2-1.3.9 rendering for complex writing systems
harfbuzz-1.4.5 text shaping library
json-c-0.12p1 JSON implementation in C
libelf-0.8.13p3 read, modify, create ELF files on any arch
libffi-3.2.1p2 Foreign Function Interface
libhiredis-0.13.3 minimalistic C client for Redis
libiconv-1.14p3 character set conversion library
libsodium-1.0.12p0 library for network communications and cryptography
libxml-2.9.4p0 XML parsing library
lua-5.1.5p6 powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.1.5)
luajit-2.0.4p0 just-in-time compiler for Lua
lz4- fast BSD-licensed data compression
lzo2-2.10 portable speedy lossless data compression library
mariadb-client-10.0.30v1 multithreaded SQL database (client)
nghttp2-1.21.0 library for HTTP/2
ntopng-2.4p0 network traffic probe with web ui and dpi
openvpn-2.4.1 easy-to-use, robust, and highly configurable VPN
p5-Error-0.17024 error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
pango-1.40.4 library for layout and rendering of text
pcre-8.38p0 perl-compatible regular expression library
png-1.6.28 library for manipulating PNG images
python-2.7.13p0 interpreted object-oriented programming language
quirks-2.304 exceptions to pkg_add rules
redis-3.2.8 persistent key-value database
rrdtool-1.6.0p2 system to store and display time-series data
rrdupdate-1.6.0 lightweight update-only tool for rrdtool
rsync-3.1.2p0 mirroring/synchronization over low bandwidth links
sqlite3-3.17.0 embedded SQL implementation
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