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Old 4th June 2008
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TerryP TerryP is offline
Arp Constable
Join Date: May 2008
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People should also note any thing they mention, that is not included in the base install as being so.

pw -- create, remove, modify & display system users and groups

That is the single best command I have ever encountered for taking care of such jobs !!!!

vi -- standard screen editor on all unix systems (this is NOT vim).

vipw -- safely edit the systems passwd file using your $EDITOR, default is vi -> check the handbooks chapter on 'shells' or your shells manual for details on setting your default screen editor. If no $EDITOR or $VISUAL are set, it uses /usr/bin/vi to edit the file.

pwd_mkdb -- generate the password databases, very useful if you ever edit the file without using the vipw program.

portupgrade -- a useful utility in ports for installing and updating programs (I don't use it, but many do I think).

sh -- the systems /bin/sh, great for writing scripts, THIS IS NOT BASH.

test -- great manual page for those doing shell scripting.

perl and related manual pages, Perl can be installed from ports and is a great tool if one needs a best friend.

awk -- pattern-directed scanning and processing language, great language to learn whether you use Perl or not. THIS IS NOT GAWK, if GNU AWK is needed, install it from ports.

hier -- map of the file system.

dump and restore -- great backup tools

tar -- tape archive managing program, this is not GNU tar so check your GNU'isms at --the-manual if the switches are different (I've never used gtar and rarely use the GNU style options of bsd tar). Install gtar from ports if you need GNU tar.

tar, gzip, bzip2, dump, and lzma are my favorite backup programs.

psearch a great utility you can install from ports/pkg for searching the local ports tree.

csup -- useful for dealing with ports and source code, check the handbook for details. -> install via ports if using older versions of FreeBSD.
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