Thread: Funny stuff
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Old 25th October 2010
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roddierod roddierod is offline
Real Name: Rod Person
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Posts: 437

The thing the irritates me the most is the woman that wrote this code came in as a big shoot, ms certified and all that. We had a two week code review before she left and I asked her specifically why she wrote this function 3 times and the only difference I could see was the subject. Her answer was "I don't know, that is how I got it to work." After that, I didn't ask anymore questions.

Now after dealing with this code for a month it is even worse that I thought. Such as functions that have an object as the parameter and the first thing the function does is "query" the database using the object to retrieve the object, for example:

private void CreateWorkItem(string request_status, Employee requestor, Employee approver, DS_Request req)
    DS_Request ds_request = _request.GetDSRequest(req.request_id);
As a note, I say "query" because she used what I call the "magic model" style where you create a model of your db with some tool that read the db information and it creates class that magically select, update and insert information into the db. Personally I really hate tools that do this. I think if you don't know SQL enough to write these kind of classes yourself you shouldn't be writing application that interact with databases.
"The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words." -Philip K. Dick
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