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Old 19th August 2008
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Carpetsmoker Carpetsmoker is offline
Real Name: Martin
Tcpdump Spy
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 2,243

Well, you can do three things:

o Stop looking and the OS and start looking at the applications, the OS isn't *that* important, applications are, and many applications for UNIX just plain suck.

o Stop complaining about FreeBSD that ``must'' do X, or ``should'' implement feature Y and start working on it, either by programming, recruiting, raising funds, whatever ... Just sitting and complaining isn't constructive and a waste of time.

o If you're not prepared to start working on it, then suck it up or use another OS.

There is a point where helpful criticism stops, the flash player issues comes back again and again and again and again, if we were to put all the flash threads on the various forums/lists in one place I fear it would collapse in on itself and start to absorb light.

I personally find the XP/Vista limitation to a single user to be absolutely maddening. Presumably the server version does not suffer from this limitation.
You can switch users in XP, I assume Vista has a similar feature ... In addition you also have the RunAs command.
But it's not very good, no, you can't just quickly ``su'' to the Administrator account, which is why I (And almost everyone else) just give their main account Administrator privileges.
UNIX was not designed to stop you from doing stupid things, because that would also stop you from doing clever things.
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