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Old 23rd June 2009
rtwingfield rtwingfield is offline
Real Name: Ron Wingfield
Port Guard
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Little Rock, AR USA
Posts: 36

Actually . . .that's what I expected . . .I did notice a lot of X11 stuff zipping by on stdout as the FireFox make was in progress, never-the-less, X seemed to not want to start . . .probably (obviously) my fault for not configuring X as you've commented. I assumed that FireFox "included" the graphic server layer (for the lack of a better explanation), and I've mentioned that I've several years of interactive application programming. My style is to focus on error, exception and information messaging (quite juxtaposed to the Way of Windoze); consequently, when I attempted to start FireFox outside of a graphic layer, then I concluded that something was wrong with FireFox because there was no message, e.g., "Hey dummy, you need to start X-Windows first!"

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