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Old 19th June 2018
yetoo yetoo is offline
Port Guard
Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 17

1. I insert a new floppy drive which I am sure the disk is set to write that has some hard errors and plain_io errors when looking at disklabel and mdir, but all of its contents eventually get displayed.
2. Its partition is 2880 bytes in an unused partition.
3. I execute the mformat command and there's input output errors and hard errors trying to write to the diskette.
4. I try to mount but it doesn't mount.
5. I try issuing the command sudo dd if=floppy63.fs of=/dev/fd0 conv=sync,noerror in my regular user profile.
6. Nothing is written to the disk.
6. I set the disk to read only and try a mformat with no results.
7. I try issuing the command sudo dd if=floppy63.fs of=/dev/fd0 conv=sync,noerror in my regular user profile again and nothing happens to the floppy.
8. I set the floppy to read and write and put it into my portable drive on Linux to find that it was formatted.
9. I try this command in a regular profile: sudo dd if=floppy63.fs of=/dev/sdk conv=sync,noerror.
10. I get an error stating that the disk is read-only.
11. I set the diskette to read-only and put it back into the drive.
12. I try the command: sudo dd if=floppy63.fs of=/dev/fd0 conv=sync,noerror.
13. I get this error:
dd: writing to '/dev/sdk': Operation not permitted
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes copied, 0.000256277 s, 0.0 kB/s

What is your response? Now I will try to set up a tftp server for PXE.
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