Thread: HIgher math
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Old 5th February 2013
ocicat ocicat is offline
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Originally Posted by Ninguem View Post
A point is a one dimensional object in space; yet, would a point also be a four dimensional object if it exists for more than one moment in time?
You are mixing metaphors.
  • If discussion is limited to a line, then a point position along that line has only a single dimension because the line itself is one-dimensional.
  • A position on a plane has coordinates in two different dimensions because the plane itself is two-dimensional.
Yes, a two-dimensional plane can exist in 3-space, but in this system, points will have three coordinates -- one for each dimension considered in the entire system under consideration.
It seems that some believe that a point is both a one dimensional and zero dimensional object while others believe that a zero dimensional object has no mass.
Pure mathematics is not concerned with physical interpretation. A point can have coordinates in n-dimensions if discussion is allowing for n dimensions.
I can understand why an object would be one/two/three dimensional and four dimensional at the same time- along with other factors- but not as zero and one simultaneously.
It appears you are changing the definition of a system midstream.
Higher math uses the concept of division by zero in infinity. Why isn't this implemented in computer programming?
Study how division is implemented in hardware.
A circle has 1,296,000 points if you include all minutes, degrees and seconds. Yes, I am aware if you do not overlap 0 and 360 then the total can be 1,295,999. Would these points also have a negative value?
Can one go outside and count -3 cars? Physically, no. Yet, there are times when negativity is added to conversation to describe direction. This is usually done relative to Greenwich, England -- both in terms of timezones and direction east & west.

Last edited by ocicat; 5th February 2013 at 02:37 PM. Reason: spelling
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