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Old 22nd October 2008
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Carpetsmoker Carpetsmoker is offline
Real Name: Martin Tournoij
Tcpdump Spy
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Ireland
Posts: 2,245

My Kingston DataTraveler broke, it doesn't do anything except get very hot (!)

I now have a 16GB PQI Cooldrive U339, it was just 5 euros more expensive, and it also has a switch to put the drive in read-only mode (No such thing as `mount -o ro' on Windows) ...


It works fine (both read and write speed) if formatted as ufs, but BLOODY slow if formatted as FAT32. I googled and somebody said the chipset is not fully supported under FreeBSD

Do you experience the same problem?
I only have USB1, so it's slow in any case ...

I do have problems with my Philips MP3 player, when I copy files they sound distorted ... It works fine with Windows (Multiboot) ...
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