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Old 8th September 2008
DrJ DrJ is offline
ISO Quartermaster
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Gold Country, CA
Posts: 507

> it's with a keyword size (e.g. small, larger, etc) or with ems.

The keywords I understand, but using ems or ens?

My own opinion is that you really should learn to use points. The entire typesetting industry has standardized on that, and has used that for a very long time. Every phototypesetter in the old days had a clear plastic sheet with a standard font or two in point sizes from about 6 to 72. There was a point size scale, and a bunch of other stuff. You could use it to identify and make changes easily. Those typesetters also had a book, usually from Mergenthaler, that listed a few thousand fonts in various weights and point sizes.

My ex was a phototypesetter when I met her (she ultimately became an attorney -- yuck!). That's where I learned all this stuff. And the horizontal space is leading ("ledding"); one gets used to talking about 10 on 12 or 11 on 14 (the former is a ten-point font size, with 12 point leading); different fonts have differing x-heights and descenders and ligatures.

I know that the visual display is somewhat different, but that should map directly through the dpi. And using the standard terms makes groff and TeX a lot easier to understand.
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