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Old 23rd July 2010
sharris sharris is offline
Package Pilot
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 146

dkizz, I really wanted this one but it is proving to be a bit too much. First it took guts for me to zero-out my wonderful 21 partitions after backing up my files. But I was going to have to do this anyway for Virtualazation because I had three tiny primary partitions and one giant Extended ... now I got (4) 250 GB partitions but now I'm kind of sorry. That little How-to link fool me

Today I started neatly listing all of xsltproc dependency and all above on the wiki list I used Fresh Port website that came up with like millions of additional dependenies per... . I got nevious and jump down to libXmu. I did not look no farther but it has 100's of files that need build with many 100's of other files like xsltproc but 1000x worse. It seems like in the end you will have a full-blown KDE or GNONE desktop system and that was not my intent.

I just want a command-line FreeBSD that will host Windows and Linux systems (a off and on switch) and they do what they want. I don't want a FreeBSD desktop, I use pcBSD for that or install VirtualBox on it since it seem to be what you end up with anyway.

I want a near raw FreeBSD ... Is a simple off and on switch possible or something with-out all the bloat. If so. What can I begin to eliminate and where can I find more information.

Also my most recent FreeBSD-AMD-8.0-DVD download ... in /usr/ports/emulators it only has virtualbox-ose 3.0.51

Anyone know "where we can get or how we get" an up-to-date port collection with or without the FreeBSD OS.

PS: I agree, VirtualBox may be all I need because it is for my command-line FreeBSD and Windows desktop and not for networkong.

Partition-1 = Raw FreeBSD
Partition-2 = Raw FreeBSD storage & Backup
Partition-3 = FreeBSD as Host (MAYBE!)-- VirutalBox
Partition-4 = Windows programs and storage

Who knows ... It may not be possible ... Have a Great Day

Last edited by sharris; 23rd July 2010 at 10:16 AM.
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