CVS server question
I need to set a CVS server at work. No buts! We use some proprietary "gmake-magic" tools which only work with CVS.
I have a silly question. I have used CVS many years and set up real CVS server on few occasions always using SSH for network access without giving a second tought. However recently I set up our internal Subversion server using svnserve and I am very happy as I didn't have to give system accounts to people. Obviosly this will work only for people who are on the same LAN/VPN subnet.
I started playing with a pserver CVS mode late last night and I am a bit confused probably due to the lack of sleep. Reading through documentation seems to indicate that pserver works similarly to svnserve. However when I set it up I had troubles checking out the code as it seems to expect existance of a system account with the same userneme as a CVS account.
Could a kind soul clarify this for me please? Maybe I am just very tired and misconfigured things.