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Old 22nd October 2023
cohumat cohumat is offline
Port Guard
Join Date: Oct 2023
Posts: 19

The fact that certain flavors of the BSD family of operating-systems do things differently which may include but aren't abundantly clear. One of which is the configuration of a window manager like Xdm or light dm on top of which you would then place a Desktop environment like gnome or Xfce (my favorite) and then go in and place quite a bunch of arguments in your /etc/rc.conf file and that is where you could potentially introduce security vulnerabilities like the fact that the port(s) that your installing may no longer be maintained. I've been warned about this issue then I'll go back and either uninstall either entering the appropriate folder under ports and do a simple make deinstall or if I'm feeling lazy i'll just use pkg remove.
Kindly You Buddy,

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