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Old 16th July 2016
e1-531g e1-531g is offline
ISO Quartermaster
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 628

I don't know if OpenBSD is so a secure system for someone new to Unix-like systems and configuring daemons and need to do something fast and needs various programs not found in base OpenBSD system. Unfortunately OpenBSD does not provide binary updates and security is a process, so one must update constantly because all usable systems (Windows, Gnu/Linux, Android, OS X, OpenBSD etc) have security vulnerabilities.
For professionals or people just wanting to be power users OpenBSD is really good, but if somebody is new and don't have time to learn and maintain I would go for binary Gnu/Linux distro like Debian stable, because it is less time consuming to maintain. Note that even in Debian you need to learn a few things, not type something blind on keyboard or blindly copy-paste from unofficial Internet source and maintain system and do backups etc.
Note that for people using Tor there is a Tails operating system (Gnu/Linux distro), but it is designed to be run as LiveCD, so it is not so good for all use cases.
Anyway I was able to execute I2P on OpenBSD. You should note that I don't use I2P on daily basis, so I don't have much experience.
# is a sign that command is to be launched by root user and $ by normal user.
I have that package:
# pkg_info | grep jre                                                          
jre-    OpenJDK Runtime Environment v1.8.0.72
It was installed by
# pkg_add jre-
I have found binary of Java via command:
# find /usr/local/  | grep -i -e \/java$ -e \/javac$ 1>/wyniki_java.txt
which saves output to file /wyniki_java.txt. File can be printed on screen by:
# cat /wyniki_java.txt  
Based on the general knowledge I know that only last line is useful and directory should be added to PATH environment variable. For adding for this terminal session (temporary, not permanent):
$ export PATH="/usr/local/jre-1.8.0/bin/:${PATH}"
TO check if binary is now accessible by command java I typed:
$ java -version
and this printed me information about version.
Now about executing I2P's installer.
I have downloaded installer for Gnu/Linux which is a jar file I should check by checksum and signing keys if it was not modified during downloading, but I didn't do that.
In terminal I have gone to directory where I downloaded file.
cd /path/where/i/downloaded/jar/
To make sure I am where file is present I used ls command:
$ ls
To install in GUI mode:
$ java -jar i2pinstall_0.9.26.jar
to install in command line mode:
$ java -jar i2pinstall_0.9.26.jar -console
I have installed in i2p directory inside Home directory of my user account. To run one need to go to directory where i2p was installed. In my case:
$ cd ${HOME}/i2p
and issue command:
Now you should be able to access administrative interface via web browser on address:
Signature: Furthermore, I consider that systemd must be destroyed.
Based on Latin oratorical phrase
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