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Old 17th November 2022
Entropic Entropic is offline
Join Date: Nov 2022
Posts: 77

Ok here we are on day two of the "Create Install Media" phase :0
Today I've used the cp command instead of the dd command in MacOS terminal (thanks Matthew) to try and raw copy the install72.img to my freshly formatted 32gb Sandisk USB. It seems to have made better progress than yesterdays DD effort, but still no joy.

Originally Posted by Head_on_a_Stick View Post
The trick is to plug in the stick then immediately run the dmesg command — information about the USB device should be at the very end of the output, more or less the last things to be printed.

dmesg | tail
to see the last 10 lines.

If you still can't make sense of it then upload the dmesg output to a pastebin site and share a link here.
dmesg | tail did give the abbreviated dmesg output, but I don't see anything resembling the USB stick mentioned, so it must be further up. I used System_profiler as an alternative and it worked a treat showing clearly that its disk4 so this aspect is solved - thanks Keith and Matthew for this.

Now regarding the CP error:
It all looked very promising after a long pause following the CP command, but then I got this error message:
could not copy extended attributes to /dev/disk4: Operation not permitted
(See 3rd attachment for terminal output titled 'cp failure')

So whats going on here to again prevent me doing this raw image transfer to the USB stick!

PS: Not sure if this is relevant or not, but checking my USB disk details revealed MBR partitioning. Will this cause me grief as well noting the UEFI partitioned windows laptop that I'm going to be installing OpenBSD OVER (not together WITH in dual boot)?
Do I need to use diskutil to "Erase" (Mac lingo for fdisk) to partition it with a GUID (UEFI) friendly partitioning before doing whatever the solution is to this main issue "couldn't copy extended attributes to /dev/disk4" ?

Any and all help appreciated... This is really frustrating at such an early stage of my OpenBSD journey!

EDIT: Just been searching around online regarding this extended attribute issue and came across this. Is rsync my solution here? How would I actually use this if this is indeed the solution (full command line input please)..

Last edited by Entropic; 17th November 2022 at 03:39 PM.
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