13th November 2011
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: pl_PL.lodz
Posts: 1,056
BHyVe - The BSD HyperVisor
Neel Natu and Peter Grehan unveiled BHyVe, the "BSD HyperVisor" for FreeBSD at BSDCan 2011 and kindly helped me get it up and running. I invite you to do the same and explore the many possibilities of this up and coming alternative to Linux KVM. Because BHyVe relies primarily on the Virtual Machine Manager vmm.ko kernel module, it should be portable to other BSD's and even other operating systems. BHyVe guest virtual machines run modified FreeBSD kernels at this time and there are many opportunities to remove this limitation. Be aware that BHyVe is under active development and should be considered experimental. That said, I am pleased to report that it has performed predictably in every test I have run to date.
SOURCE: http://callfortesting.org/bhyve/
religions, worst damnation of mankind
"If 386BSD had been available when I started on Linux, Linux would probably never had happened." Linus Torvalds
Linux is not UNIX! Face it! It is not an insult. It is fact: GNU is a recursive acronym for “GNU's Not UNIX”.
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