Minix on an Hp Pavillion a6230n
As youal know by now I have attmeted and failed to get Solaris working on my Hp Pavilion 16230n, However I was seaching around the net and I remembered reading about Minix, SomI have decided to giv Minix A try or My UNIX system.
My question is does Minix support Sata out of he Box or Am i going to have to hand compile (not a Problem) drivers from ground zero?
Google Linux is a Green Horns Best Friend (GHBF).
Windows = a 32 bit extensions to a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a four bit processor written by 2-bit monopolistic software company founded by a .3-bit Harvard Drop out, who can't stand one respectable bit of competition.
If I believe something to be immoral a will not keep quite and let my voice of annoyance be heard loud and clear.