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Old 30th April 2008
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Default Welcome!

Welcome all, I hope everything is to your liking!

Please read the README thread, it contains some important information about these forums.
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Old 30th April 2008
DrJ DrJ is offline
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Good luck with it! I'll play...

Couple of comments: the web site seems a bit slow, at least here on the US left coast. It could be something to watch. Also, might it be appropriate to have a separate Solaris section? Many of us are starting to dabble with it.
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Old 30th April 2008
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I added a Solaris section, but removed it later because I figured not many people posted Solaris issues on bsdforums ... I will re-add it.
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Old 30th April 2008
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A little slow on the other coast too.

I like the logo though.
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Old 30th April 2008
DrJ DrJ is offline
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Originally Posted by roddierod View Post
I like the logo though.
I suppose a logo with "Spawn of Satan" would have been too racy... \ducks
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Old 30th April 2008
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Hmm, it's ok in the Netherlands, and it's a U.S. server :/
In any case, I'll see how it goes and fix stuff when/if necessary (e.g. get new hosting).

I like the logo though.
Credits go to vermaden!
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Old 30th April 2008
DrJ DrJ is offline
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Originally Posted by Carpetsmoker View Post
Credits go to vermaden!
My compliments to him. So when will we see his cute avatar here?
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Old 30th April 2008
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He's away until Monday, so not before that...
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Old 30th April 2008
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I am also finding it slow from NY.

That's nice that you have that thanks option--that's one thing about Ubuntu forums that I consider a nice touch.
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Old 30th April 2008
BSDfan666 BSDfan666 is offline
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I'm here, from Canada... for the time being.
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Old 30th April 2008
corey_james corey_james is offline
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Bit slow in .au but not unusable

I take that back, it took 2 minutes to make this post!
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Old 30th April 2008
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The DNS Server has successfully been switched and things are beginning to properly propagate, so hopefully all of these speed problems have been resolved for everyone. Let us know if it is still slow for you.

Last edited by kienjakenobi; 30th April 2008 at 11:12 PM.
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Old 30th April 2008
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Once I'm on the forums, it's fine. Getting there is still a little slow, but I suspect it's still propagating.
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Old 1st May 2008
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Ok, well, You can use the IP for now (, It works very fast for me...

I will see if the DNS is still slow in the morning and fix it if necessary...
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Old 1st May 2008
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I can't upload my avatar. :-(. It shows in my profile, but not by my posts. (Watch it show up now.)
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Old 1st May 2008
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You uploaded a profile picture, not an avatar, a profile picture is intended to be a photo of you or something and only supposed to show on your profile
Look at my profile for an example...

To upload an avatar, go to your User CP and click "Edit Avatar" in the left menu, NOT "Edit Profile Picture".

Last edited by Carpetsmoker; 1st May 2008 at 02:58 AM.
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Old 1st May 2008
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Im not quite sure why is "don't panic" inserted in the logo? Something to do with kernel panic?

Way to go!
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Old 1st May 2008
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The joke is:

In the novel, it is said that despite its many glaring (and occasionally fatal) inaccuracies, the Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy itself has outsold the Encyclopedia Galactica because it's slightly cheaper, and because it has the words "Don't Panic" on the cover.
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Old 1st May 2008
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Ah, havent read any novel in the past 15 years, thats why...
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Old 1st May 2008
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What? You don't get out to the movies either? (It was made into a movie a few years back, and was just shown on Space a few months ago.)

Excellent message, though, for computer users everywhere. Don't you think?

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