I put together a computer in a small airport meeting room from old parts with OpenBSD 5.1 current. At the time of this post current is felt to be in a near release state.
My problem is the multifunction printer I get to use has a bug with the system tray in the hplip port (335662 - hplip status service cannot find system tray). The problem was addressed in the latest release
HPLIP 3.12.2 and upgraded in ports 5 days ago.
I would like to get the printer working and see 3 options:
1) Complete Binary upgrade but I have major concerns about the usability of the new kernel which just incorporated rthreads
2) Just upgrade the packages on the next snapshot
3) Delete the present hplip and try to compile the latest stable source
4) Manually edit the python script - I found a patch but it does not look to the final fix - the author of the patch later debates the best way to increase the time out period. I could probably download the latest source and find the python scripts and manually edit from that
5) Lastly edit the port to include the latest upstream binary and build the port.
Any guidance appreciated