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Old 14th August 2008
ebzzry ebzzry is offline
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Default Upgrading from KDE 3.5 to KDE 4.1

I'm planning to upgrade my KDE installation from 3.5 to 4.1. Here are some questions regarding that matter:

* What are needed for a successful upgrade?
* Do I have to uninstall 3.5 first?
* Are there any recommended methods for such kind of upgrade?
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Old 14th August 2008
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KDE3 and KDE4 can peacefully coexist, you can just install x11/kde4 without uninstalling KDE3 or any special upgrade procedure.

I would recommend making a copy of the KDE3 settings (i.e. you home directory), just for safety.
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Old 14th August 2008
ebzzry ebzzry is offline
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Originally Posted by Carpetsmoker View Post
KDE3 and KDE4 can peacefully coexist, you can just install x11/kde4 without uninstalling KDE3 or any special upgrade procedure.

I would recommend making a copy of the KDE3 settings (i.e. you home directory), just for safety.
OK. Are the files that you are mentioning ~/.kde and ~/.kderc? Should I do a `make install' or `portinstall'?

P.S.: Damn. Are you getting paid to reply to our questions? You are very
helpful! Damn.
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Old 14th August 2008
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You may want to have a look at the KDE4 Install Guide
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Old 14th August 2008
ebzzry ebzzry is offline
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Originally Posted by BSDKaffee View Post
You may want to have a look at the KDE4 Install Guide
OK. Thanks.
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  #6   (View Single Post)  
Old 16th August 2008
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The KDE 4.1 release message from the freebsd-ports mailing list.

Help for FreeBSD: Handbook, FAQ, man pages, mailing lists.
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Old 17th August 2008
qsecofr qsecofr is offline
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Default QT4

Just one more quick follow-on question:

Since the qt4 meta port does not seem to conflict with qt33 (as the Makefile suggests), is it safe to say that qt4 can coexist with qt33?
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Old 17th August 2008
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Old 15th January 2009
qsecofr qsecofr is offline
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Default Upgrading from KDE 3.5 to KDE 4.1

followed directions and basically KDE4.1 works pretty well. Couple minor loose ends:

1. at the bottom of the screen, the menu bar or sys tray or whatever its termed, i see the KDE4.1 systray and immediately stacked on top is the KDE 3.5.10 systray. Both are active. Whenever i launch an app its icon shows in the systray for both 3.5 and 4.1. Probably some dot-file in my home directory i guess. I did back up .kde, .config, .cache, .local as suggested. But i didnt clear the originals or otherwise edit in any way. Any ideas?

2. kopete. I see .kde/share/apps/kopete/contactlist.xml. is there a way to import it into kopete in KDE4.1 ? And are there any known problems with connecting to Yahoo? With a working account to the default Yahoo server, I get remote connection closed error.

3. kontact or kmail. Neither launches, though the icon bounces for a minute or so. Can't see any errors or log file indicating what the problem may be - primarily because I'm not sure where exactly to look. But nothing obvious in home directory.

4. Desktop directory. I have 4 entries in it. In KDE4.1 each entry has what looks like a missing icon with label underneath. All 4 are contained in a gray-ish semi-transparent box in the upper left corner of the screen. Entries are named Home.desktop, Mplayer.desktop, System.desktop, trash.desktop. Any recommendations for either getting rid of this directory or changing the entries within?

Besides that, everything I've tried seems to work fine in KDE4. Any advice to help me tie up the loose ends is much appreciated.
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Old 16th January 2009
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Originally Posted by qsecofr View Post
1. at the bottom of the screen, the menu bar or sys tray or whatever its termed, i see the KDE4.1 systray and immediately stacked on top is the KDE 3.5.10 systray. Both are active. Whenever i launch an app its icon shows in the systray for both 3.5 and 4.1. Probably some dot-file in my home directory i guess. I did back up .kde, .config, .cache, .local as suggested. But i didnt clear the originals or otherwise edit in any way. Any ideas?
The systray is going to show any applications that are running which use the systray whether they be KDE 3.x, KDE 4.x, or GTK+. If you don't want the KDE 3.x programs running, simply exit them.

Originally Posted by qsecofr View Post
3. kontact or kmail. Neither launches, though the icon bounces for a minute or so. Can't see any errors or log file indicating what the problem may be - primarily because I'm not sure where exactly to look. But nothing obvious in home directory.
Make sure you have your PATH setup for KDE4. In you ~/.xinitrc you should have something like:
export PATH
That puts the KDE4 path first. If you path is correct, open up a Konsole window and run $ kmail See what the output is.

Originally Posted by qsecofr View Post
4. Desktop directory. I have 4 entries in it. In KDE4.1 each entry has what looks like a missing icon with label underneath. All 4 are contained in a gray-ish semi-transparent box in the upper left corner of the screen. Entries are named Home.desktop, Mplayer.desktop, System.desktop, trash.desktop. Any recommendations for either getting rid of this directory or changing the entries within?
That's just a plasma applet that shows a folder view of whatever directory you want. It defaults to the Desktop directory. You can close the plasma applet using the handle on the side of it (make sure you desktop widgets are unlocked first).

I don't use kopete, so I can't answer that one.
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Old 23rd January 2009
qsecofr qsecofr is offline
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Default Upgrading KDE3.5 to KDE4.1

Hi, I upgraded KDE4.1.1 to KDE4.1.4 to see if it would resolve any of the issues I found. Not yet. But here is more specific info..

From Konsole:
2$ kontact
kontact(23674) KLocalePrivate::initEncoding: Cannot resolve system encoding, defaulting to ISO 8859-1.
!!!!!!! ERROR !!!!!!! - KHTML default stylesheet version mismatch. Aborting. Check your installation. File used was: /usr/local/share/apps/khtml/css/html4.css.Expected STYLE_VERSION 1

<unknown program name>(23672)/: Communication problem with  "kontact" , it probably crashed.
Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" "

KCrash: Application 'kontact' crashing...
It appears the css file is causing the problem. Not sure how to go about resolving this. The whole KDE4 port seemed to install just fine with no major obvious errors.. Kmail gets the same error.

System tray or panel screenshot:
attached jpeg

Still not sure what the problem is with kopete. Version 0.60.4 doesn't seem to want to connect to yahoo. Though kopete with KDE3.5.10 works just fine. Version 0.60.4 crashes every time I try to configure it. I've done some searching online for info but haven't found what I'm looking for yet. Reading the crash log I wonder if the problem is also related to the css file above..

Application: Kopete (kopete), signal SIGABRT
0x2a4b78ef in nanosleep () from /lib/libc.so.6
[KCrash Handler]                              
#8  0x2a4ced3f in kill () from /lib/libc.so.6 
#9  0x291e232b in raise () from /lib/libpthread.so.2
#10 0x2a4cda7b in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6      
#11 0x29061f67 in qt_message_output () from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so.4
#12 0x290622cb in qFatal () from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so.4           
#13 0x2ca629b6 in khtml::CSSStyleSelector::loadDefaultStyle ()               
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkhtml.so.7                                    
#14 0x2ca63649 in khtml::CSSStyleSelector::init ()                           
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkhtml.so.7                                    
#15 0x2ca64148 in khtml::CSSStyleSelector::CSSStyleSelector ()               
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkhtml.so.7                                    
#16 0x2c91b513 in DOM::DocumentImpl::attach ()                               
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkhtml.so.7                                    
#17 0x2c8d5da8 in KHTMLPart::begin () from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkhtml.so.7 
#18 0x2c60121d in ChatMessagePart::writeTemplate ()                          
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkopetechatwindow_shared.so.1                  
#19 0x2c601aa4 in ChatMessagePart::ChatMessagePart ()                        
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkopetechatwindow_shared.so.1                  
#20 0x2ce618b2 in ChatWindowConfig::ChatWindowConfig ()                      
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/kde4/kcm_kopete_chatwindowconfig.so              
#21 0x2ce65b47 in KPluginFactory::createInstance<ChatWindowConfig, QWidget> ()
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/kde4/kcm_kopete_chatwindowconfig.so               
#22 0x28e3f868 in KPluginFactory::create ()                                   
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkdecore.so.7                                   
#23 0x292f4b0b in KCModuleLoader::loadModule ()                               
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkutils.so.5                                    
#24 0x292fadec in KCModuleProxyPrivate::loadModule ()                         
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkutils.so.5                                    
#25 0x292fbd6b in KCModuleProxy::realModule ()                                
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkutils.so.5                                    
#26 0x292fbdb1 in KCModuleProxy::minimumSizeHint ()                           
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkutils.so.5                                    
#27 0x2890949f in KPageViewPrivate::_k_modelChanged ()                        
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkdeui.so.7                                     
#28 0x28909c52 in KPageView::qt_metacall ()                                   
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkdeui.so.7                                     
#29 0x2890dd6f in KPageWidget::qt_metacall ()                                 
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkdeui.so.7                                     
#30 0x2914ae4e in QMetaObject::activate ()                                    
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so.4                                     
#31 0x2914aff3 in QMetaObject::activate ()                                    
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so.4                                     
#32 0x29181551 in QAbstractItemModel::layoutChanged ()                        
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so.4                                     
#33 0x2890fedf in KPageWidgetModel::insertPage ()                             
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkdeui.so.7                                     
#34 0x2890d987 in KPageWidget::insertPage ()                                  
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkdeui.so.7                                     
#35 0x28906ecb in KPageDialog::insertPage ()                                  
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkdeui.so.7                                     
#36 0x292f81e7 in KCMultiDialog::addModule ()                                 
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkutils.so.5                                    
#37 0x293105a9 in KSettings::DialogPrivate::createDialogFromServices ()       
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkutils.so.5                                    
#38 0x2931374f in KSettings::Dialog::showEvent ()                             
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkutils.so.5                                    
#39 0x29a4cb1f in QWidget::event () from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4     
#40 0x29a04023 in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper ()                       
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4                                      
#41 0x29a03f10 in QApplication::notify ()                                     
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4                                      
#42 0x288d73a3 in KApplication::notify ()                                     
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkdeui.so.7                                     
#43 0x29138336 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal ()                         
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so.4                                     
#44 0x29a4acca in QWidgetPrivate::show_helper ()                              
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4                                      
#45 0x29a4b431 in QWidget::setVisible () from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4
#46 0x29e27c34 in QDialog::setVisible () from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4
#47 0x28186d71 in KopetePreferencesAction::slotShowPreferences ()             
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkopete.so.5                                    
#48 0x28187d5f in KopetePreferencesAction::qt_metacall ()                     
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkopete.so.5                                    
#49 0x2914ae4e in QMetaObject::activate ()                                    
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so.4                                     
#50 0x2914b073 in QMetaObject::activate ()                                    
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so.4                                     
#51 0x299f9457 in QAction::triggered () from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4 
#52 0x299f8c20 in QAction::activate () from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4  
#53 0x29da032e in QMenuPrivate::activateAction ()                             
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4                                      
#54 0x29da3d11 in QMenu::mouseReleaseEvent ()                                 
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4                                      
#55 0x289b1521 in KMenu::mouseReleaseEvent ()                                 
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkdeui.so.7                                     
#56 0x29a4c3d9 in QWidget::event () from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4     
#57 0x29da41b0 in QMenu::event () from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4       
#58 0x29a04023 in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper ()                       
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4
#59 0x29a0310d in QApplication::notify ()
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4
#60 0x288d73a3 in KApplication::notify ()
   from /usr/local/kde4/lib/libkdeui.so.7
#61 0x29138336 in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal ()
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so.4
#62 0x29a0216d in QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent ()
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4
#63 0x29a60948 in QETWidget::translateMouseEvent ()
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4
#64 0x29a5df86 in QApplication::x11ProcessEvent ()
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4
#65 0x29a864cb in x11EventSourceDispatch ()
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4
#66 0x2a5f0db2 in g_source_is_destroyed ()
   from /usr/X11R6/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#67 0x2a5f1c9b in g_main_context_dispatch ()
   from /usr/X11R6/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#68 0x2a5f2066 in g_main_context_dispatch ()
   from /usr/X11R6/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#69 0x2a5f21f2 in g_main_context_iteration ()
   from /usr/X11R6/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#70 0x29160fd3 in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents ()
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so.4
#71 0x29a868a1 in QGuiEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents ()
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4
#72 0x29136862 in QEventLoop::processEvents ()
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so.4
#73 0x2913694e in QEventLoop::exec () from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so.4
#74 0x29138869 in QCoreApplication::exec ()
   from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so.4
#75 0x29a028cd in QApplication::exec () from /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtGui.so.4
#76 0x0808c7fe in main ()

Any advice for any or all of the above much appreciated.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg two_panels.jpg (27.1 KB, 82 views)

Last edited by qsecofr; 23rd January 2009 at 07:12 PM. Reason: more info
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Old 25th January 2009
qsecofr qsecofr is offline
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Default Upgrading KDE3.5 to KDE4.1 - hal or dbus error?

I saw a link recommending to edit
/usr/local/share/apps/khtml/css/html4.css file and add
just before the end comment delimiter at the top. This resolved the errors relating to this file. Both kmail and kontact no longer display that error when starting, and kopete configuration dialogs now display correctly.

I have what appears to be the correct file in
file. I tried first amending my PATH in .xinitrc to read
export PATH
That didn't work. But editing the file as described above seems to solve the khtml errors.

The remaining errors suggested dbus or hal were not communicating.
10# kontact                                                                    
<unknown program name>(45352)/: KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server 

<unknown program name>(45351)/: KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.
Looks like both hal and dbus are running on the system
 2# ps -ax | grep [dh][ba][ul]
23194  ??  Is     0:00.52 /usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --system
23220  ??  Ss     1:09.21 /usr/local/sbin/hald
23224  ??  I      0:00.05 hald-runner
23229  ??  S      1:53.40 hald-addon-mouse-sysmouse: /dev/psm0 (hald-addon-mouse-sy)
23232  ??  S      1:15.88 hald-addon-storage: /dev/cd0 (hald-addon-storage)
44290  ??  Is     0:00.00 /usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
44307  ??  Ss     0:00.57 /usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
45808  ??  Is     0:00.05 /usr/local/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
44289  v0  I      0:00.00 dbus-launch --autolaunch c1dee65da237f86227a6600c4979003a --binary-syntax --close-stderr
44306  v0  I      0:00.00 dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session
Whether they're configured or started correctly is an open question.

A search suggested trying dbus-launch kontact. This did launch kontact. And it appeared kontact was operational. I didn't try to configure it or try every feature, but mail and calendar and notes seemed as if they would work. So I'm wondering at this point if my dbus or hal are configured correctly, if my kde4 was installed correctly (given khtml errors with html4.css file), and I've still got 2 systrays/panels as seen in jpeg attached. It doesn't make much sense to have to manually issue command dbus-launch kontact.

here is command and output from dbus-launch in two parts due to 40,000 char limit
14# dbus-launch kontact                                                                                                                    
Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed                                                                                                                       
kontact(45810) KLocalePrivate::initEncoding: Cannot resolve system encoding, defaulting to ISO 8859-1.                                      
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/local/kde4/lib/kde4/libexec/klauncher                                                                    
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/local/kde4/bin/kded4                                                                                     
kded(45822) KLocalePrivate::initEncoding: Cannot resolve system encoding, defaulting to ISO 8859-1.                                         
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/local/kde4/bin/kbuildsycoca4                                                                             
Qt: Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed                                                                                                                       
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KLocalePrivate::initEncoding: Cannot resolve system encoding, defaulting to ISO 8859-1.                                
kbuildsycoca4 running...                                                                                                                    
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KBuildMimeTypeFactory::createEntry: Missing <comment> field in  "/usr/local/kde4/share/mime/text/plain.xml"            
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in ".hidden/krita_openexr.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                            
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in ".hidden/krita_png.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                                
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in ".hidden/krita_jpeg.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                               
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in ".hidden/krita_tiff.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                               
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in ".hidden/krita_raw.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                                
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in ".hidden/krita_pdf.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                                
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in ".hidden/krita_magick.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                             
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in ".hidden/knewstickerstub.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in ".hidden/kmdr-executor.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                            
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/abstractile.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                   
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/abstractile.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/anemone.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                            
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/anemotaxis.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/antinspect.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/antmaze.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                       
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/antmaze.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                            
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/antspotlight.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                       
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/apple2.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                             
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/atunnel.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                            
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/barcode.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                            
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/blinkbox.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                           
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/blocktube.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/boing.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/boing.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                              
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/bouncingcow.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/boxfit.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/boxfit.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                             
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/carousel.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                      
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/carousel.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                           
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/celtic.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/celtic.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                             
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/cloudlife.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/crackberg.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                     
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/crackberg.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/cube21.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/cube21.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                             
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/cubestorm.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/cwaves.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/cwaves.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                             
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/endgame.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                            
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/eruption.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                           
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/extrusion.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/fiberlamp.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                     
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/fiberlamp.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/fireworkx.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                     
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/fireworkx.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/flipflop.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                           
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/fliptext.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                      
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/fliptext.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                           
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/flurry.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                             
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/flyingtoasters.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                     
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/fontglide.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/fuzzyflakes.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/glblur.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                             
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/glcells.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                       
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/glcells.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                            
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/gleidescope.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/glhanoi.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                       
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/glhanoi.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                            
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/glknots.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                            
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/glmatrix.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                           
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/glschool.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                      
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/glschool.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                           
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/glslideshow.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/halftone.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                           
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/hypertorus.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/interaggregate.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/interaggregate.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                     
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/intermomentary.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/intermomentary.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                     
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/jigglypuff.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/juggler3d.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                     
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/juggler3d.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/klein.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                              
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/lavalite.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                           
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/lockward.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                      
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/lockward.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                           
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/m6502.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/m6502.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                              
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/memscroller.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/metaballs.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/mirrorblob.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/moebiusgears.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                  
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/moebiusgears.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                       
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/noof.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                               
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/pacman.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                             
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/pinion.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/pinion.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                             
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/piecewise.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/polyhedra.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/polytopes.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/pong.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                               
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/popsquares.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/providence.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/queens.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                             
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/spheremonics.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                       
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/substrate.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                     
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/substrate.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/tangram.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                       
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/tangram.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                            
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/timetunnel.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                    
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/timetunnel.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/topblock.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                      
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/topblock.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                           
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Actions in "System/ScreenSavers/voronoi.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                       
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/voronoi.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                            
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/wormhole.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                           
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::parseActions: The desktop file "System/ScreenSavers/xanalogtv.desktop" references the action "InWindow,Root,Setup" but doesn't define it                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in ".hidden/kommander.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                                                
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/ark.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                            
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/kivio.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/kpresenter.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                     
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/krita.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/kspread.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/kugar.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/kudesigner.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                     
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/kword.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/kplato.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file  "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/koffice.desktop"  has Type= "Application"  but no Exec line                                                                                                      

kbuildsycoca4(45823)/kio (KService*) KBuildServiceFactory::createEntry: Invalid Service :  "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/koffice.desktop"                                                                                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/karbon.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/kchart.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/kformula.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                       
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Categories in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/kontactdcop.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                  
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/kde/kexi.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).
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Old 25th January 2009
qsecofr qsecofr is offline
Port Guard
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Portland
Posts: 18
Default Upgrading KDE3.5 to KDE4.1 - hal or dbus error?

part two of command output

kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/openoffice.org-2.4.2/base.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/openoffice.org-2.4.2/calc.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/openoffice.org-2.4.2/extension.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                     
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/openoffice.org-2.4.2/draw.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/openoffice.org-2.4.2/impress.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                       
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/openoffice.org-2.4.2/math.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                          
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/openoffice.org-2.4.2/writer.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                        
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry Categories in "/usr/local/share/applications/realplay.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                         
kbuildsycoca4(45823) KConfigGroup::readXdgListEntry: List entry MimeType in "/usr/local/share/applications/realplay.desktop" is not compliant with XDG standard (missing trailing semicolon).                                                                                           
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/local/kde4/lib/kde4/libexec/kconf_update                                                                 
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 319: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 319: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 484: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 484: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1731: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1731: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1815: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1815: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 319: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 319: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 484: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 484: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1731: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1731: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1815: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1815: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 319: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 319: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 484: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 484: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1731: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1731: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1815: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1815: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 319: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 319: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 484: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 484: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1731: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1731: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1815: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1815: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 319: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 319: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 484: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 484: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1731: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1731: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1815: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1815: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 319: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 319: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 484: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 484: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                         
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1731: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1731: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1815: " "Invalid escape sequence "\("."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /usr/local/share/config/klipperrc, line 1815: " "Invalid escape sequence "\)"."                                        
"KConfigIni: In file /tmp/kde-root/kconf_updateT45829.tmp, line 1: " Invalid entry (missing '=')                                            
QString::arg: Argument missing: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>                                                                      
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QString::arg: Argument missing: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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, <h2 style='text-align:center; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px'>Loading Kontact...</h2>
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/local/kde4/lib/kde4/libexec/kconf_update                 
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/local/kde4/lib/kde4/libexec/kconf_update                 
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/local/kde4/lib/kde4/libexec/kconf_update                 
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/local/kde4/lib/kde4/libexec/kconf_update                 
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/local/kde4/lib/kde4/libexec/kconf_update                 
"/usr/local/kde4/bin/kontact(45810)" Error in thread 134574080 : "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown - The name org.kde.nepomuk.services.nepomukstorage was not provided by any .service files"                                                                                  
"/usr/local/kde4/bin/kontact(45810)" Error in thread 134574080 : "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"                              
kontact(45810)/kmail KMFolderIndex::updateIndexStreamPtr: utime( "/root/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail/.inbox.index.ids" , 0) failed (KMMsgDict::getFolderIdsLocation( *this ))                                                                                                            
kontact(45810)/kmail KMFolderIndex::updateIndexStreamPtr: utime( "/root/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail/.inbox.index.ids" , 0) failed (KMMsgDict::getFolderIdsLocation( *this ))                                                                                                            
kontact(45810)/kmail KMFolderIndex::updateIndexStreamPtr: utime( "/root/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail/.outbox.index.ids" , 0) failed (KMMsgDict::getFolderIdsLocation( *this ))                                                                                                           
kontact(45810)/kmail KMFolderIndex::updateIndexStreamPtr: utime( "/root/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail/.outbox.index.ids" , 0) failed (KMMsgDict::getFolderIdsLocation( *this ))                                                                                                           
kontact(45810)/kmail KMFolderIndex::updateIndexStreamPtr: utime( "/root/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail/.sent-mail.index.ids" , 0) failed (KMMsgDict::getFolderIdsLocation( *this ))                                                                                                        
kontact(45810)/kmail KMFolderIndex::updateIndexStreamPtr: utime( "/root/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail/.sent-mail.index.ids" , 0) failed (KMMsgDict::getFolderIdsLocation( *this ))                                                                                                        
kontact(45810)/kmail KMFolderIndex::updateIndexStreamPtr: utime( "/root/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail/.trash.index.ids" , 0) failed (KMMsgDict::getFolderIdsLocation( *this ))                                                                                                            
kontact(45810)/kmail KMFolderIndex::updateIndexStreamPtr: utime( "/root/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail/.trash.index.ids" , 0) failed (KMMsgDict::getFolderIdsLocation( *this ))                                                                                                            
kontact(45810)/kmail KMFolderIndex::updateIndexStreamPtr: utime( "/root/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail/.drafts.index.ids" , 0) failed (KMMsgDict::getFolderIdsLocation( *this ))                                                                                                           
kontact(45810)/kmail KMFolderIndex::updateIndexStreamPtr: utime( "/root/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail/.drafts.index.ids" , 0) failed (KMMsgDict::getFolderIdsLocation( *this ))                                                                                                           
kontact(45810)/kmail KMFolderIndex::updateIndexStreamPtr: utime( "/root/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail/.templates.index.ids" , 0) failed (KMMsgDict::getFolderIdsLocation( *this ))                                                                                                        
kontact(45810)/kmail KMFolderIndex::updateIndexStreamPtr: utime( "/root/.kde4/share/apps/kmail/mail/.templates.index.ids" , 0) failed (KMMsgDict::getFolderIdsLocation( *this ))                                                                                                        
<unknown program name>(45804)/: Communication problem with  "kontact" , it probably crashed.                                                
Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : " "Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken." "     

 15# kontact(45810)/kio (KDirWatch) KDirWatchPrivate::removeEntry: doesn't know "" 
kontact(45810)/knotes KNotesResourceManager::load: No standard resource yet.       
QString::arg: Argument missing: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>             
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QString::arg: Argument missing: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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<!-- vim:set sw=2 et nocindent smartindent: -->                
, <h2 style='text-align:center; margin-top: 0px;'>Welcome to Kontact 1.3</h2><p>Kontact handles your e-mail, addressbook, calendar, to-do list and more.</p><table align="center"><tr><td><a href="help:/kontact"><img width="48" height="48" src="/usr/local/kde4/share/icons/oxygen/48x48/actions/help-contents.png" /></a></td><td><a href="help:/kontact">Read Manual</a><br /><span id="subtext"><nobr>Learn more about Kontact and its components</nobr></span></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://kontact.org"><img width="48" height="48" src="/usr/local/kde4/share/icons/oxygen/48x48/mimetypes/text-html.png" /></a></td><td><a href="http://kontact.org">Visit Kontact Website</a><br /><span id="subtext"><nobr>Access online resources and tutorials</nobr></span></td></tr><tr><td><a href="exec:/gwwizard"><img width="48" height="48" src="/usr/local/kde4/share/icons/oxygen/48x48/actions/tools-wizard.png" /></a></td><td><a href="exec:/gwwizard">Configure Kontact as Groupware Client</a><br /><span id="subtext"><nobr>Prepare Kontact for use in corporate networks</nobr></span></td></tr></table><p style="margin-bottom: 0px"> <a href="exec:/switch">Skip this introduction</a></p>                                                                                              
klauncher(45819) KLocalePrivate::initEncoding: Cannot resolve system encoding, defaulting to ISO 8859-1.                                    
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/local/kde4/bin/korgac                                                                                    
QString::arg: Argument missing: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>                                                                      
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, The email client for the K Desktop Environment.              
korgac(45890) KLocalePrivate::initEncoding: Cannot resolve system encoding, defaulting to ISO 8859-1. 
QString::arg: Argument missing: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>                                
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, <h2 style='margin-top: 0px;'>Welcome to KMail 1.10.4</h2><p>KMail is the email client for the K Desktop Environment. It is designed to befully compatible with Internet mailing standards including MIME, SMTP, POP3 and IMAP.</p>
<ul><li>KMail has many powerful featkorgac: Use --help to get a list of available command line options.
ures which are described in the <a href="help:/kmail/index.html">documentation</a></li>
<li>The <a href="http://kontact.kde.org/kmail/">KMail homepage</A> offers information about new versions of KMail</li></ul>

<p>Please take a moment to fill in the KMail configuration panel at Settings-&gt;Configure KMail.
You need to create at least a default identity and an incoming as well as outgoing mail account.</p>

<p>We hope that you will enjoy KMail.</p>
<p>Thank you,</p>
<p style='margin-bottom: 0px'>&nbsp; &nbsp; The KMail Team</p>
kdeinit4: preparing to launch
kio_file(45892) KLocalePrivate::initEncoding: Cannot resolve system encoding, defaulting to ISO 8859-1.
kdeinit4: preparing to launch
kdeinit4: preparing to launch
kdeinit4: preparing to launch
kio_file(45893) KLocalePrivate::initEncoding: Cannot resolve system encoding, defaulting to ISO 8859-1.
kio_file(45894) KLocalePrivate::initEncoding: Cannot resolve system encoding, defaulting to ISO 8859-1.
kio_file(45895) KLocalePrivate::initEncoding: Cannot resolve system encoding, defaulting to ISO 8859-1.
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Old 26th January 2009
qsecofr qsecofr is offline
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Default Upgrading KDE3.5 to KDE4.1 - Solved

I believe the dbus errors have been solved by amending .xinitrc to read
export PATH
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session startkde4
The previous edit made to /usr/local/share/apps/khtml/css/html4.css does not appear to affect KDE3.5.10

I still have 2 systrays. And still some issues with kopete. But I'll start new threads for those specifically.
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Old 26th January 2009
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BSDKaffee BSDKaffee is offline
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You have some serious mix-ups between your KDE3 and KDE4 installation. The css errors and most of the other errors from kontact are from KDE4 looking in KDE3 directories. Kicker (the KDE3 panel) is also starting when you start KDE4 as you have shown.

Hopefully, most of the trouble will be in the configuration files. Kicker starting is definitely in your conf files somewhere...probably in an Autostart directory. Check .config/autostart, .kde4/Autostart, and .kde/Autostart.

In order to troubleshoot this, it will probably be best to start with a clean slate to narrow this down. Make a new user and try running a KDE4 session with it. If things are still messed up, then there may be trouble with your actual KDE installation.

As far as dbus goes, make sure you have in your /etc/rc.conf:
Make sure they are running before you start KDE.

The "exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session startkde4" line in .xinitrc really shouldn't be neccessary; "startkde4" should work by itself. Check your environment variables after you start KDE and make sure you have a DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS variable defined.
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Old 28th January 2009
qsecofr qsecofr is offline
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Default Solved: Upgrading KDE3.5 to KDE4.1

Thanks for the good suggestion. I created a new user. In the process, I copied an few dot-files from my home to the new user's home. Each of the copied dot-files needed to be checked for user-specific commands. In .bashrc I found:
export KDEDIRS=/usr/local
For the new user, I cut it from .bashrc, pasted it into .xinitrc and edited to read
export KDEDIRS=/usr/local/kde4
That seemed to work just fine. The session variable DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS was defined.

I didn't see anything suspicious in the auto-start directories you mentioned - I checked there first. And as noted, both HAL and DBUS were up & running.

Either I didn't see mention of environment variable KDEDIRS in the upgrading directions, or didn't pay close enough attention, but it seems that was the culprit.

For the time being , I'll have an .xinitrc4.1 and .xinitrc3, each exporting an appropriate KDEDIRS. And I'll manually rename to .xinitrc depending on which release I want at the time.

nepomukservicestub core dumped for the new user in 4.1.4. Not sure if that's a major problem..

Kontact mail & calendar configurations aren't automatically copied from version 3.5.10 to 4.1.4. It may require manual work. That's my next objective. If anyone has a shortcut/easier way, I'm all ears.. If not, no prob :-)

Kopete still not connecting to Yahoo for some reason, though in 3.5.10 it works fine. Maybe my firewall is too restrictive. I see a blocked attempt from a yahoo server originating on port 80 to one of my high ports with flags 0x12. Not sure if that is messing up new kopete.
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