Modem throws CME ERROR 50 (incorrect parameters) on ATH1
I have a Huawei 3372 USB modem on which i try to initiate and pick up phone calls. SMS sending works perfectly, but when i try to dial by "ATD*****;"it says "NO CARRIER" and what is even more problematic is when i see the incoming call and tell the modem to "ATH1", then it tells me "CME ERROR: 50" (incorrect parameters).
Internet said, set the PIN, set the APN. Setting the PIN said "CME ERROR: 3" (operation not allowed) and setting the APN yielded nothing. The NO CARRIER message brought up some "not connected" topics, but if it is not connected, then how can it send SMS and how can i phone it, see the incoming call from the messages and hung it up? Because "ATH0" (hung up) works. I can break the phone call. I only can not pick it up.
Any ideas are appreciated. (I can live with that if i cannot dial, but i need to pick up calls.)