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  #1   (View Single Post)  
Old 1st November 2014
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Default Simplyfing complex IPSec or Firewall solutions -- such as NFS -- with gif(4)

The BSDs each have gif(4), a driver that provides a general purpose tunnel interface. You can add them whenever you want to encapsulate IP packets, and tunnel packets inside an outer IP packet. The man pages don't tell you what these are for, or why you would want to use them.

I find gif(4) tunnels helpful whenever I have a complex protocol that is difficult to define in firewall rules or in IPSec flow descriptions. It adds an extra IP header to my data packet, but that tradeoff is usually worth it to provide simple management solutions for what might otherwise be complex or unsolvable problems.

One example is NFS Version 3. It uses Remote Procedure Call programs and dynamic UDP or TCP port numbers, and the port numbers can be unpredictable. What if I wished to encrypt the NFS traffic between client an server, and only the NFS traffic? Or set up a firewall so that only NFS traffic was passed, but not other traffic? Without knowing the dynamic port numbers that will be used, that can be difficult.

Using gif(4), I don't need to know the port numbers. I don't even need to know if the traffic will use TCP or UDP. Instead, I just need to define tunneled, virtual IP addresses and direct all the NFS traffic to them. Then, I write my rules by gif(4) interface or virtual IP address.

For example, I have this gif(4) interface defined on this workstation I'm typing on:

!ifconfig gif0 netmask
This results in the following pseudo-NIC:
    priority: 0
    groups: gif
    tunnel: inet ->
    inet --> netmask 0xffffff00
The real addresses are defined by the tunnel endpoints, which are and The virtual, tunneled addresses are defined as point-to-point between and

The server I am using has a gif(4) configured the same way, but with reversed addresses:
    priority: 0
    groups: gif
    tunnel: inet ->
    inet --> netmask 0xffffff00
The server's /etc/exports permits access from the virtual, tunnelled IP on the workstation.
/var /var/mail
The IPSec rules that define the flows are simple, too. These are from OpenBSD's IKEv2 iked(8) but a similar ruleset could also be applied using the IKEv1 tools:
ikev2  esp \
  from to srcid fw2.jggimi.homeip.net dstid netbook.jggimi.homeip.net
Key: There are only three PF rules that manage this traffic. The gif(4) drivers use IP-in-IP, IP protocol 4, known as ipencap in OpenBSD's /etc/protocols list. That is the only traffic that needs to be passed on the physical interface. On the gif(4) tunnel, I need to pass UDP port 500 for the Internet Key Exchange Protocol (IKE). It is used to manage automatic IPSec keying. I need to pass the IPSec encrypted packets themselves, which is IPSEC tunneling protocol esp.
# allow IPSec under a gif0 tunnel (used for NFS with netbook) 

# 1. permit the gif0 traffic to be embedded on $internal_nic:
pass log on $internal_nic proto ipencap

# 2. permit IKE traffic on UDP port 500 (NAT-Traversal is not used):
pass log on gif0 proto udp from any port 500 to any port 500

# 3. permit IPSec on gif0:
pass log on gif0 proto esp
From my client I can mount the NFS filesystem via fstab(5) or mount(8), as long as I use the virtual address, which I have pre-defined in my local DNS resolver as fw2-gif. Here is an example of monitoring a mail file with xbiff(1):
$ sudo mount fw2-gif:/var/mail /fw2
$ xbiff -file /fw2/jggimi -geometry -4-4 &
Commands/files shown are for OpenBSD. Other BSDs will have varying requirements for provisioning gif(4) interfaces, firewalls, and IPSec.

Last edited by jggimi; 3rd November 2014 at 08:50 PM. Reason: clarity, typos, and a thinko
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  #2   (View Single Post)  
Old 2nd November 2014
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Fantastic post!!! It should be sticky. Working with NFS behind the firewall is royal pain in particularly on OpenBSD were there are no cheap hacks to restrict ports used by NFS.
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  #3   (View Single Post)  
Old 10th December 2014
jb_daefo jb_daefo is offline
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Not really a question, but for completeness, perhaps someone uses the equivalent IPFW rules?
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  #4   (View Single Post)  
Old 10th December 2014
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I have never used IPFW, and do not operate FreeBSD, so this example ruleset may not be correct. To craft these three lines, I spent two minutes with the ipfw(8) man page and one additional minute with Chapter 30.4 of the FreeBSD Handbook.

As with any help you get from random people on the Internet, please use with caution.
ipfw add allow ipencap from any to any via <your internal NIC>
ipfw add allow udp from any 500 to any 500 via gif0
ipfw add allow esp from any to any via gif0

Last edited by jggimi; 10th December 2014 at 04:34 PM. Reason: clarity
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  #5   (View Single Post)  
Old 31st March 2015
xJohansenx xJohansenx is offline
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jggimi, would it be possible to see what entries you've put in your resolver? I'm quite new with this so sorry if this question seems stupid, but is it normal, once everything is set up (except for the resolver) that you can't ping the virtual IP of the other machine? So basically, if you're on the machine, is it normal that you can't ping (100% packet loss)?
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  #6   (View Single Post)  
Old 31st March 2015
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Name resolution has nothing to do with 100% packet loss. More likely, there's a block rule in PF preventing ICMP packets from passing. But even if it's something else, the tcpdump(8) program can help you determine a root cause.
  • If you add logging to your pass and block rules, you can use tcpdump(8) with your pflog(4) device and watch for passed/blocked traffic.
  • If traffic is correctly passed but no responses are being received, you can use tcpdump(8) with your gif(4) interface to monitor traffic.
  • Does an ARP request get sent?
  • Was an ARP reply received?
  • Do you see the ping requests?
  • Do you see any replies?
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