Hi All,
It's been over a month since I posted in here following the dramas I experienced trying to get the OpenVPN daemon working. I've now circumvented the whole issue by getting an OpenVPN WAN licence for my router which now has its own .ovpn file for connecting to NordVPN.
I've also been pleasantly suprised to find that my Yubikey 5 worked in OpenBSD with NO PROVISIONING and merely by plugging it into my USB port. How good is this!
Anyway, the main issue: I tried to update Firefox from the current 107.0 to what
indicated after the verbose download text indicated as being 109. My connection was terribly slow (think the old 14.4k dial up modem speed) for everything, and anyway it reported a partial failure when downloading python (dependency?) on a line that read something like:
ustar [https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/openBSD/7.2/packages-stable/amd64/python3.9.16.tgz] PREMATURE END OF ARCHIVE
It then reported "adjusting sha for /usr/local/lib...python
followed by a latter line: Read shared items: ok
and a final summary line stating that pkg_add: installation of python 3.9.16 failed blah blah... saved to a partial file name
So I loaded up Firefox to see what had now potentially been screwed up by this fouled installation. Nothing thankfully. However it was still showing version 107.0 so I'm guessing that after failing the python dependency download the firefox 109.0 installation was also aborted and it left my 107.0 installation intact.
But is this what actually happened? If not then what, and how do I get an updated firefox now that I've got some kinda half baked install sitting on my HDD somewhere...