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Old 14th January 2010
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vermaden vermaden is offline
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Post HOWTO: Modern FreeBSD Install (vermaden way)

All these years sysinstall(8) was helping us to install FreeBSD with most options we needed, today with new filesystems/features like GJournal/ZFS/Geli/GMirror/GStripe its no longer up to the task, because it only supports creating installation on UFS filesystem with SoftUpdates turned ON or OFF.

In this guide you will learn how to setup FreeBSD installation in simple yet flexible setup based on read-only UFS (without SoftUpdates) for 'base system' [1], some SWAP space, /tmp mounted on SWAP and all the other filesystems (/var /usr ...) mounted on ZFS. It will not require rebuilding anything, just simple setup on plain MBR partitions. I should also mention that we would be using AHCI mode for disks. I also provided two versions, for system with one harddisk and with three of them for redundant setup.

Here is the layout of the system with 1 harddisk:
MBR SLICE 1 |    / | 512 MB | UFS/read-only 
            | SWAP |   2 GB |
            | /tmp | 512 MB | mounted on SWAP with mdmfs(8)
MBR SLICE 2 | /usr |   REST | ZFS dataset
            | /var |   REST | ZFS dataset
... and here layout for single disk for system with 3 disks:
MBR SLICE 1 |    / | 512 MB | UFS/read-only 
MBR SLICE 2 | SWAP |   1 GB |
            | /tmp | 512 MB | mounted on SWAP with mdmfs(8)
MBR SLICE 3 | /usr |   REST | ZFS dataset
            | /var |   REST | ZFS dataset
Redundancy planning for system with 3 disks:
 [ DISK0 ]           [ DISK1 ]           [ DISK2 ]
 [   /   ] < RAID1 > [   /   ] < RAID1 > [   /   ]
 [ SWAP0 ]           [ SWAP1 ]           [ SWAP2 ]
 [   Z   ] < RAID5 > [   F   ] < RAID5 > [   S   ]
FreeBSD core, the 'base system' [1] should remain almost unchanged/untouched on daily basis while you can mess all other filesystems, this ensures that when things go wrong, you will be able to fix anything still having working 'base system' [1].

You will need *-dvd-* disk or *-memstick-* image for this installation, *-disk1-* will not do since it does not contain livefs system.

Here is the procedude, described as simple as possible.

1.0. I assume that our disk for the installation would be /dev/ad0 (/dev/ad0 /dev/ad1 /dev/ad2 for system with 3 disks)

1.1. Boot *-dvd-* from DVD disk or *-memstick-* image from pendrive
Country Selection --> United States
Fixit --> CDROM/DVD (*-dvd-*) or USB (*-memstick-*)
1.2. Create your temporary working environment
fixit# /mnt2/bin/csh
# setenv PATH /mnt2/rescue:/mnt2/usr/bin:/mnt2/sbin
# set filec
# set autolist
# set nobeep
1.3. Load needed modules
fixit# kldload /mnt2/boot/kernel/geom_mbr.ko
fixit# kldload /mnt2/boot/kernel/opensolaris.ko
fixit# kldload /mnt2/boot/kernel/zfs.ko
1.4. Create/mount needed filesystems
DISKS: 3                                               | DISKS: 1
# cat > part << __EOF__                                | # cat > part << __EOF__
p 1 165 63  512M                                       | p 1 165 63  2560M
p 2 165  * 1024M                                       | p 2 159  *     *
p 3 159  *     *                                       | p 3   0  0     0
p 4   0  0     0                                       | p 4   0  0     0
a 1                                                    | a 1
__EOF__                                                | __EOF__
# fdisk -f part ad0                                    | # fdisk -f part ad0
# fdisk -f part ad1                                    |
# fdisk -f part ad2                                    |
# kldload /mnt2/boot/kernel/geom_mirror.ko             |
# gmirror label  rootfs ad0s1                          |
# gmirror insert rootfs ad1s1                          |
# gmirror insert rootfs ad2s1                          |
# bsdlabel -B -w /dev/mirror/rootfs                    | # cat > label << __EOF__
                                                       | # /dev/ad0s1:
                                                       | 8 partitions:
                                                       |   a: 512m  0 4.2BSD
                                                       |   b: *     * swap
                                                       | __EOF__
                                                       | # bsdlabel -B -w ad0s1
                                                       | # bsdlabel       ad0s1 | tail -1 >> label
                                                       | # bsdlabel -R    ad0s1 label
# glabel label swap0 ad0s2                             | # glabel label rootfs ad0s1a
# glabel label swap1 ad1s2                             | # glabel label swap   ad0s1b
# glabel label swap2 ad2s2                             |
# newfs /dev/mirror/rootfsa                            | # newfs /dev/label/rootfs
# zpool create basefs raidz ad0s3 ad1s3 ad2s3          | # zpool create basefs ad0s2
# zfs create basefs/usr                                | # zfs create basefs/usr
# zfs create basefs/var                                | # zfs create basefs/var
# mkdir /NEWROOT                                       | # mkdir /NEWROOT
# mount /dev/mirror/rootfsa /NEWROOT                   | # mount /dev/label/rootfs /NEWROOT
# zfs set mountpoint=/NEWROOT/usr basefs/usr           | # zfs set mountpoint=/NEWROOT/usr basefs/usr
# zfs set mountpoint=/NEWROOT/var basefs/var           | # zfs set mountpoint=/NEWROOT/var basefs/var
1.5. Actually install needed FreeBSD sets
# cd /dist/8.0-RELEASE

# cd base
# ./install.sh (answer 'y' here)
# cd ..

# cd manpages
# ./install.sh
# cd ..

# cd kernels
# ./install.sh generic
# cd ..

# cd /NEWROOT/boot
# rm -r kernel
# mv GENERIC kernel
1.6. Provide basic configuration needed to boot new system
DISKS: 3                                          | DISKS: 1
# cat > /NEWROOT/etc/fstab << __EOF__             | # cat > /NEWROOT/etc/fstab << __EOF__
#dev                #mount #fs  #opts #dump #pass | #dev              #mount #fs  #opts #dump #pass
/dev/mirror/rootfsa /      ufs  rw    1     1     | /dev/label/rootfs /      ufs  rw    1     1
/dev/label/swap0    none   swap sw    0     0     | /dev/label/swap   none   swap sw    0     0
/dev/label/swap1    none   swap sw    0     0     | __EOF__
/dev/label/swap2    none   swap sw    0     0     |
__EOF__                                           |
# cat > /NEWROOT/boot/loader.conf << __EOF__      | # cat > /NEWROOT/boot/loader.conf << __EOF__
zfs_load="YES"                                    | zfs_load="YES"
ahci_load="YES"                                   | ahci_load="YES"
geom_mirror_load="YES"                            | __EOF__
__EOF__                                           |
# cat > /NEWROOT/etc/rc.conf << __EOF__
1.7. Unmount filesystems and reboot
# cd /
# zfs umount -a
# umount /NEWROOT
# zfs set mountpoint=/usr basefs/usr
# zfs set mountpoint=/var basefs/var
# zpool export basefs
# reboot
Now lets talk things you will need to do after reboot.

2.0. At boot loader select boot into single user mode
4. Boot FreeBSD in single user mode

Enter full pathname of shell or RETURN for /bin/sh: /bin/csh
% /rescue/mount -w /
% /rescue/zpool import -D || /rescue/zpool import -f basefs
% exit
2.1. Login as root without password
login: root
password: (just hit ENTER)
2.2. Set root password
# passwd
2.3. Set hostname
# echo hostname=\"HOSTNAME\" >> /etc/rc.conf
2.4. Set timezone and date/time
# tzsetup
# date 201001142240
2.4.1 Generate the newaliases(8) database
# newaliases
2.5. Tune the ZFS filesystem (only for i386)
# cat > /boot/loader.conf << __EOF__
vfs.zfs.prefetch_disable=0      # enable prefetch
vfs.zfs.arc_max=134217728       # 128 MB
vm.kmem_size=536870912          # 512 MB
vm.kmem_size_max=536870912      # 512 MB
vfs.zfs.vdev.cache.size=8388608 #   8 MB
2.6. Mount /tmp on SWAP
# cat >> /etc/rc.conf << __EOF__
tmpmfs_flags="-m 0 -o async,noatime -S -p 1777"
2.7. Move termcap into /etc (instead of useless link on crash)
# rm /etc/termcap
# mv /usr/share/misc/termcap /etc
# ln -s /etc/termcap /usr/share/misc/termcap
2.8. Add latest security patches
# freebsd-update fetch
# freebsd-update install
2.9. Make all changes to configuration in /etc, then set / to be mounted read-only in /etc/fstab
DISKS: 3                                           | DISKS: 1
 #dev                #mount #fs  #opts #dump #pass |  #dev              #mount #fs  #opts #dump #pass
+/dev/mirror/rootfsa /      ufs  ro    1     1     | +/dev/label/rootfs /      ufs  ro    1     1
-/dev/mirror/rootfsa /      ufs  rw    1     1     | -/dev/label/rootfs /      ufs  rw    1     1
 /dev/label/swap0    none   swap sw    0     0     |  /dev/label/swap   none   swap sw    0     0
 /dev/label/swap1    none   swap sw    0     0     |
 /dev/label/swap2    none   swap sw    0     0     |
2.10. Reboot and enjoy modern install of FreeBSD system
# shutdown -r now
To summarise, this setup provides us these things:
-- bulletproof 'base system' [1] on UFS (w/o SU) mounted read-only
-- /tmp filesystem mounted on SWAP
-- usage of new AHCI mode in FreeBSD
-- flexibility for all other filesystems on ZFS
-- fully working environment on crash (/etc/termcap)
-- disks/filesystems mounted by label, possible device name changes are harmless
-- RAID1 for / and RAID5 for all other systems on setup with 3 disks

[1] base system is / and /usr while this setup, in context of this setup I name 'base system'
the most important core of FreeBSD, the / filesystem and its binaries/libraries/configuration
(thanks to phoenix for reminding me what REAL base system is/means)


1.0 / 2010-01-14 / initial version
1.1 / 2010-01-15 / simplified PATH
+fixit# setenv PATH /mnt2/rescue:/mnt2/usr/bin
-fixit# setenv PATH /mnt2/bin:/mnt2/sbin:/mnt2/usr/bin:/mnt2/usr/sbin
1.2 / 2010-01-15 / added link for termcap (instead of duplicate on /etc and /usr) [2.6.]
.# rm /etc/termcap
+# mv /usr/share/misc/termcap /etc
+# ln -s /etc/termcap /usr/share/misc/termcap

-# cp /usr/share/misc/termcap /etc
1.3 / 2010-01-21 / removed unneeded mount commands [2.0.]
-# zfs mount basefs/var
-# zfs mount basefs/usr
1.4 / 2010-03-08 / added setup for 3 disks + cleanup
too much to fit here, we can as well call this new version RELOADED
1.5 / 2011-07-08 / added subsection: 2.4.1 Generate the newaliases(8) database

MIRROR THREAD: http://forums.freebsd.org/showthread.php?t=10334
POLISH VERSION: http://bsdguru.org/dyskusja/viewtopic.php?t=19392
religions, worst damnation of mankind
"If 386BSD had been available when I started on Linux, Linux would probably never had happened." Linus Torvalds

Linux is not UNIX! Face it! It is not an insult. It is fact: GNU is a recursive acronym for “GNU's Not UNIX”.
vermaden's: links resources deviantart spreadbsd

Last edited by vermaden; 8th July 2011 at 10:19 AM.
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  #2   (View Single Post)  
Old 15th January 2010
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Personally Vermaden, I think I would call sysinstall a more the modern installation method. Unless you want to look at the 'Installing and Operating 4.4BSD UNIX' docs from the old System Managers Manual, and wonder what moron ever started to write sysinstall; no offence intended fwiw.

This thread reminds me of when one of my friends upgraded to FreeBSD 8 as a fresh install: he was annoyed to see how much work it was to set up a pure ZFS based system was compared to UFS, and sited ZFS as not "Production ready" on FreeBSD because of sysinstall. Then I reminded him that it's as production ready as FAT --> sysinstall uses the recommended defaults, if you don't like it, then it's YOUR problem to sort out the details, just like the rest of a real unix system.
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  #3   (View Single Post)  
Old 15th January 2010
bmk1st bmk1st is offline
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Originally Posted by vermaden View Post
2.4. Tune ZFS filesystem (only for i386)
[code]newsystem# [COLOR="Green"]cat > /boot/laoder.conf << __EOF__
Found a typo

Good work and it's actually good timing for me. I'm planning to try FreeBSD 8 with ZFS on my i386 machine in a few days and I think I'll use your guide.

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Old 15th January 2010
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Thanks, fixed.

Switching from Linux?
religions, worst damnation of mankind
"If 386BSD had been available when I started on Linux, Linux would probably never had happened." Linus Torvalds

Linux is not UNIX! Face it! It is not an insult. It is fact: GNU is a recursive acronym for “GNU's Not UNIX”.
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  #5   (View Single Post)  
Old 15th January 2010
bmk1st bmk1st is offline
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Originally Posted by vermaden View Post

Thanks, fixed.

Switching from Linux?
No, I switched from Linux a long time ago. I'm an OpenBSD user since 3.4 and once in a while, I toyed with FreeBSD. FreeBSD was actually my first BSD (4.6 I think). I want to try it again because I'm interested in using ZFS. I have a 2.0 Ghz P4 machine sitting around and I've decided to put FreeBSD on it and use it as development & backup machine. All for fun.
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  #6   (View Single Post)  
Old 8th March 2010
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I have added a section on how to create redundant setup with 3 disks and improved/simplified overall process.
religions, worst damnation of mankind
"If 386BSD had been available when I started on Linux, Linux would probably never had happened." Linus Torvalds

Linux is not UNIX! Face it! It is not an insult. It is fact: GNU is a recursive acronym for “GNU's Not UNIX”.
vermaden's: links resources deviantart spreadbsd
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  #7   (View Single Post)  
Old 23rd March 2010
Broodjegehaktmetmayo Broodjegehaktmetmayo is offline
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Complicated for me as a noob, but I am sure I will get it some day

Thanks for this tuto.
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  #8   (View Single Post)  
Old 25th July 2010
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After FreeBSD 8.1-RELEASE has been released, we can now upgrade our ZPOOL(s) to newer (v13 --> v14) version, below You will find simple way to achieve that.

First check what is currently on You system:
# uname -m -r
8.1-RELEASE amd64

# zfs get version basefs
basefs  version   3        -

# zpool list -o version
Now lets proceed with the zpool/zfs upgrade procedure:
# zpool upgrade
This system is currently running ZFS pool version 14.

The following pools are out of date, and can be upgraded.  After being
upgraded, these pools will no longer be accessible by older software versions.

---  ------------
13   basefs

Use 'zpool upgrade -v' for a list of available versions and their associated

# zpool upgrade basefs
This system is currently running ZFS pool version 14.

Successfully upgraded 'basefs' from version 13 to version 14

# zfs upgrade
This system is currently running ZFS filesystem version 3.

All filesystems are formatted with the current version.
After the upgrade we can check again our ZPOOL(s) version:
# zpool list -o version
Your pool is now upgraded to newest 'release' zpool/zfs version.
religions, worst damnation of mankind
"If 386BSD had been available when I started on Linux, Linux would probably never had happened." Linus Torvalds

Linux is not UNIX! Face it! It is not an insult. It is fact: GNU is a recursive acronym for “GNU's Not UNIX”.
vermaden's: links resources deviantart spreadbsd
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  #9   (View Single Post)  
Old 2nd August 2010
Crypt Crypt is offline
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Man do I have a lot left to learn about BSD
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Old 10th July 2011
sharris sharris is offline
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I once was told that "a thread lives forever". I'm not into ZFS but your thread sent me on my way to learn how to do more things manually because technology is moving forward and if something throws me off I'll know how to handle it, manually. Wouldn't it not be great to re-find your thread one morning in the year 2020 and someone added advanced technology using your idea or simply wanted to say Thanks.


July 10, 2011
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Old 11th July 2011
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Thank You mate, I appreciate it.

I should also mention that a lot of that credit should also go to corey_james and his thread (http://www.daemonforums.org/showthread.php?t=1538) which also helped me.

Pity corey_james hasn't been active on our forums for more then 2 years now
religions, worst damnation of mankind
"If 386BSD had been available when I started on Linux, Linux would probably never had happened." Linus Torvalds

Linux is not UNIX! Face it! It is not an insult. It is fact: GNU is a recursive acronym for “GNU's Not UNIX”.
vermaden's: links resources deviantart spreadbsd
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ahci, gjournal, install, lodaer.conf, rc.conf, setup, swap, sysinstall, termcap, tmp, tmpmfs, zfs

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