I've used Linux(Debian,Fedora) mostly over the years, am not experienced with the BSDs so much, recently install TrueOS. I've "googled-for-answers" to determine how to mount the internal storage drive, which is formatted as NTFS. I've install ntfs-3g, fusefs-ntfs and tried to mount the drive
ntfs-3g /dev/ad0 /mnt/storedata
with no success.
Looking at the output of "gpart show" I noticed the TrueOS disk is GPT and the NTFS storage disk is MBR
63 1953525105 ada0 MBR (932G)
=> 63 1985 - free - (993K)
2048 1953521664 1 ntfs (932G)
1953523712 1456 - free - (728K)
=> 40 488388832 ada1 GPT (233G)
40 512 1 freebsd-boot (256K)
552 479979520 2 freebsd-zfs (229G)
479980072 8388608 3 freebsd-swap (4.0G)
488368680 20192 - free - (9.9M)
Does that explain the problem, or am I missing something further required, for mounting the storage partition?