Many of you know me as an OpenBSD user but the problem I am trying to solve is not unique to OpenBSD. Namely over the years I aggregated about 50-60 GB of pictures and videos of my kids and family which is the most valuable data I have on my computers. I used to backup that videos periodically by burning additional DVDs once I accumulate another GB of data or whatever it can be burned on the typical DVD and send it to multiple family members/grant parents so that in the case of disaster I can recover. At this point I would like to have a script which will automatically split 60 GB of data into the chunks appropriate for writing on DVDs which I will store in safe deposit box. I am familiar
. However I would like to do this splitting and writing on the fly without the need for additional HDD to store those chunks. I also know that our own
jggimi asked similar question on misc@openbsd circa 2004 when he wanted to write dumps across many DVDs. Could people kindly share their expertise in this domain. I am also open for other suggestion for permanently archiving my photos.