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NetBSD Package System (pkgsrc) Installation and upgrading of packages on NetBSD.

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  #1   (View Single Post)  
Old 14th August 2009
ahlsner ahlsner is offline
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Default Can't install binaries packages via network


Since some days, I try install binaries with pkg_add "url/package-name".
Answers : no package ... and no route for "IPV6 url".
I'm beginer, it's a bit difficult with IPV4, but with IPV6 that is very difficult.
This is not a choice IPV6. I don't know why it's used.
When I ping the mirrors as ftp://ftp.netbsd.org, there are no loss datas.
I've installed there some months OpenBSD with CD and network successfully.
I've also installed NetBSD 3.1GNOME with ISO i386.pkg.iso, but also problem with network (install binaries).
Please, help me, because this is a big frustation.

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  #2   (View Single Post)  
Old 16th August 2009
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Originally Posted by ahlsner View Post
Since some days, I try install binaries with pkg_add "url/package-name".
Answers : no package ... and no route for "IPV6 url".
I'm beginer, it's a bit difficult with IPV4, but with IPV6 that is very difficult.
This is not a choice IPV6. I don't know why it's used.
What exactly is the URL you're using in the pkg_add command?

Can you access the Internet via IPv4 with the machine? (For example using the ftp command line utility, or lynx browser, or any sort of connection-type application (not ping).)
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  #3   (View Single Post)  
Old 16th August 2009
ahlsner ahlsner is offline
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Hello IdOp

For the commands, I use pkg_add with url mirrors as :


Now, there is a progress, because I've re-installed with i386pkg.iso (who contains packages (gnome, kde, etc. Because the installation with mounting the cdrom, I've try again with network, but I've run :


and paste this line in rc.conf.
The installation has some problème for installing kde or gnome, maybe because at these moments, I don't now the exacts names of packages.
About network, it's ok, beacause I can ping successfully domain names.
Now, IPV6 don't "nag" me! (it's sleeping!).
After this post, I will try again install a desktop interface.
I've looked some network configuration file and I've printed some docs for this subject.
Because the name packages have some change, this is a problem for me : less simple as OpenBSD or Linux.
I think that NetBSD is less finalised than OpenBSD and less simple for some things.
Howewer, I want many try and use it.
Good bye,

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  #4   (View Single Post)  
Old 17th August 2009
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Originally Posted by alsner
I use pkg_add with url mirrors as :

I immediately see two problems with this URL: (1) the .org is missing from iso.netbsd.org, and (2) the "all" should be capitalized, All.

I've run :
Again, the .org is missing, as is All, and PKG_PATH should be all-capitalized.

Now, these may just be careless errors in your post, but if you're making the same kind of errors on your system it is no surprize that things are not working. You can't expect it to guess what you mean, it will just not work. So, if you recognize that maybe you're a sloppy typist, then you must double-, triple-check, etc., and make sure you've used all the right syntax, especially when things don't seem to work. I expect there won't be too many people eager to help fix mistakes caused by sloppy typing and not checking.

... and paste this line in rc.conf.
That's the wrong place for it. rc.conf is only used at boot-time to enable and configure various features and daemons. To make the PKG_PATH permanent, put the above in /root/.profile, because it's root that must install packages. You can check your work with

# echo $PKG_PATH

after logging in as root again.
I don't now the exacts names of packages.
One thing you can do is use the command-line ftp(1) client, or even a web-browser, to go to the URL above and then look at what files are there. For example,

$ ftp ftp.netbsd.org

then log in with anonymous ftp. In the interactive ftp, change directory

ftp> cd pub/.../All

Then if, say, you're interested in lynx, get a directory like

ftp> dir lynx*

to see the exact name of the currently available packages.

I've looked some network configuration file and I've printed some docs
for this subject.
Good stuff, it sounds like you need to do much reading in many areas, including also basic Unix shell usage.

Best of luck with it. BTW I don't mean to discourage you, it's well worth the effort.

Last edited by IdOp; 17th August 2009 at 03:29 AM.
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  #5   (View Single Post)  
Old 19th August 2009
ahlsner ahlsner is offline
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Hello IdOp,

Thanks for explanations.
Yes, I've made some errors in the post because noty copy-paste. I wrote from other OS a this moment.
I think I've made error only for "all".
OK for browser in other OS. In NBSD, I've tried often FTP, but the server "eject" me because it doesn-t like anonymous.
Please, show me the syntax for connecting in anonymous mode on a ftp server. The man ftp is too verbose for me, and I search a simple command.
To dayt, I've seen some strange thongs :

ping ftp.netbsd.org returns values as success.
ping ftp://ftp.netbsd.org : it doesn't like.
To morrow, I'll try :

pkg_add ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/pack...ild-2.24.1.tgz

on my second computer. I would like a mirror without IPV6 (OK, it's th future!).
Otherwise, I observ that the NetBSD mirrors are not all synchros.

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  #6   (View Single Post)  
Old 20th August 2009
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Originally Posted by ahlsner View Post
In NBSD, I've tried often FTP, but the server "eject" me because it doesn-t like anonymous. Please, show me the syntax for connecting in anonymous mode on a ftp server. The man ftp is too verbose for me, and I search a simple command.
This works for me:
$ ftp ftp.netbsd.org
Connected to ftp.netbsd.org.
220 ftp.NetBSD.org FTP server (NetBSD-ftpd 20080916) ready.
Name (ftp.netbsd.org:xxx): ftp
331 Guest login ok, type your name as password.
Password: foo@bar
    The NetBSD Project FTP Server located in Redwood City, CA, USA
    1 Gbps connectivity courtesy of                          ,        ,
... <much of login message snipped out> ...
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
200 Type set to I.
?Invalid command
?Invalid command
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
Note: I typed the username "ftp" (you should also be able to use "anonymous", but since it's long the chance of making a typo are too high, so use "ftp"). I typed the password "foo@bar", although it does not echo I showed it above ... you could probably type anything you want there.

ping ftp.netbsd.org returns values as success.
ping ftp://ftp.netbsd.org : it doesn't like.
The first form is correct, ping just needs/wants a hostname. The second form is wrong, since it's a URL and the ftp:// in front specifies a protocol to use, and this is meaningless to ping.

To morrow, I'll try :
pkg_add ftp://ftp.netbsd.org/pub/pkgsrc/pack...ild-2.24.1.tgz
That should work. I also like to use the mirror ftp://ftp2.us.NetBSD.org, it's fast ... but you are in France so I don't know if it will be faster than something close to you. Good luck with it.
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  #7   (View Single Post)  
Old 20th August 2009
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Originally Posted by ahlsner View Post

Since some days, I try install binaries with pkg_add "url/package-name".
Answers : no package ... and no route for "IPV6 url".
I'm beginer, it's a bit difficult with IPV4, but with IPV6 that is very difficult.
This is not a choice IPV6. I don't know why it's used.
It's the default, you got your answer here.
Originally Posted by ahlsner View Post
I've also installed NetBSD 3.1GNOME with ISO i386.pkg.iso, but also problem with network (install binaries).
Don't use 3.x - it is officialy not supported anymore.

Originally Posted by ahlsner
In NBSD, I've tried often FTP, but the server "eject" me because it doesn-t like anonymous. Please, show me the syntax for connecting in anonymous mode on a ftp server. The man ftp is too verbose for me, and I search a simple command.
See the man page for ftp(1), it says:
    -a          Causes ftp to bypass normal login procedure, and use an
                 anonymous login instead.
And if you don't want the ftp to probe for IPv6 first, then:
    -4          Forces ftp to only use IPv4 addresses.
Concerning the PKG_PATH, if you use 5.x then you just have to uncomment one line in either ~/.profile or ~/.cshrc (it depends what shell you use), re-read file and try pkg_add command again:
# uncomment the PKG_PATH line in .profile, and then

. /root/.profile
pkg_add -v gnome
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  #8   (View Single Post)  
Old 21st August 2009
ahlsner ahlsner is offline
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Hello friends,

Thanks for your informations I'll try it near
This afternoon, I've installed gnome-build-2.24.1.tgz from ftp2.fr.netbsd.org............
At the end of this, the screen was full of lines relatives to ----keyring for configuration files.
I've not looked this, but installed gdm and run it. It results :

-session manager gdm present, pointer hold, no characters get in the area, NBSD restarted by the sweet methode of powerdown manually; it's beautifull!
-after reboot, characters appear in the area, but no start of desktop. Noresponses fron the OS
Now, I answer to you from Lenny, the faster OS in my computer.(XP is KO in this course; it's not OK but it's KO!; it sees only
About keyring, is this critical?
Good bye,and good week-end,


PS : about keyring, it's question of unlock automatically.

Last edited by ahlsner; 21st August 2009 at 08:26 PM.
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  #9   (View Single Post)  
Old 23rd August 2009
ahlsner ahlsner is offline
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I've réinstalled 5.0-amd64.
Next, settings for ./.profile and ./.cshrc.
Installation of gnome by pkg_add gnome-session. Always problems : pointer locked, and connexion not possible (repeat, iterative, as false identification)
Have experienced ftp -a, and browse some ftp servers.
After, installation of lynx by pkg_add : very good!
I've not found the config file for X; not found X11.
I wanted to set the protocole of the mouse, as "auto" or "PS2".
Good bye,

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Old 23rd August 2009
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Originally Posted by ahlsner View Post
I've réinstalled 5.0-amd64.
Next, settings for ./.profile and ./.cshrc.
Installation of gnome by pkg_add gnome-session. Always problems : pointer locked, and connexion not possible (repeat, iterative, as false identification)
Have experienced ftp -a, and browse some ftp servers.
After, installation of lynx by pkg_add : very good!
I've not found the config file for X; not found X11.
I wanted to set the protocole of the mouse, as "auto" or "PS2".
Good to hear you've had some progress. Text browsers, such as lynx, can be very useful in the early stages of setting up a system.

About gnome specifically, I do not know anything, but it sounds to me likely (until proven otherwise) that you are having a problem getting X set up. Video access problems often seem to be a good way to bring a system to its knees. It would be good to focus on X itself first, step by step from the start, and worry about gnome at the end.

You will need to set up an xorg.conf file. Do you know what video card and chipset you have? Did you get Xorg working under OpenBSD on the same machine before? There are two ways to try to get xorg.conf set up automatically, at least in part:

(i) use xorgconfig(1). Please see the man page, it is short. This method will ask you questions, so you need to know about your hardware.

(ii) use Xorg(1) with the "-configure" flag. Again see the man page. This will try to auto-detect your hardware and write a configuration file (which you must put in a place and with a name where X will find it).

The file can be put in various places, I put mine in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Also note that generally NetBSD 5.0.1 has two parallel X trees, with names X11R6 and X11R7. If you have a default install I think the X11R6 tree will be an empty skeleton (just directories, no files).

About configuring Xorg, it may be worthwhile to start off simply at first if you continue to have problems with (i) and (ii) above. E.g., you could try a basic vesa(4) video driver to get things going. This would allow you to configure your mouse etc. Only once the rest is working, put the cowboy boots back on and try to find and fine-tune a butt-kick video mode.

Also, look at the NetBSD website here about setting up Xorg. There's lots of good info there. Good luck.
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Old 29th August 2009
ahlsner ahlsner is offline
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Hello IdOp,
I've read your post some days, but I was very busy to attempt save my old mobo (PIII 500 MHz, 256MB).
Now, I know that'is really dead : not the CPU and memories (memtest86), but the ATA ports, who are too slow to respond. Howewer, I-ve tried by remove and put again the battery of the BIOS. No changes.

I had back some years, configured X window xfree86config, xcfg, xorgconf.
I'll try your suggest.


Last edited by ahlsner; 30th August 2009 at 08:15 PM.
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