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Old 16th May 2008
php111 php111 is offline
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Default What is the best kind of OpenSSH?


Thank you for telling me to come here from BSD forums.

I understand now that putty is SSH only and now an OpenSSH server. I tried Cygwin, not sure if it's a server but I found it complicated to setup with the commands. What would a good program for OpenSSH along with a good tutorial?
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Old 16th May 2008
ocicat ocicat is offline
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Originally Posted by php111 View Post
I understand now that putty is SSH only and now an OpenSSH server.
Seeing your original BSDForums post, you have omitted some key words in the above sentence. Yes, PuTTY is only available as a SSH client. See Section A.2.10 of their FAQ:

What would a good program for OpenSSH along with a good tutorial?
You should search through Google or whatever search engine is your choice. Looking quickly, I see a number of commercial & free alternatives. As to which is better than another, you will simply need to read through what documentation is available, install whatever you choose, & see whether any particular package meets your needs.

Lastly, since this is a Windows-related question, I am asking the moderators to move this thread to the Windows section.
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Old 16th May 2008
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You might try OpenSSH for Windows.

I've never used it since my windows machine only needs to get me a prompt on my server and laptop -- using cmd.exe or command.com over SSH is probably has crappy as in person.
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Old 3rd June 2008
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If you are looking secure communications TO a Windows server from another Windows server, and require GUI services (because the command prompt in Windows is too limiting) then you can feel relatively secure with RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol, sometimes known as Terminal Services.)

RDP, running on port 3389, encrypts it's connections. I don't personally know the level or actual security of the encryption it provides, but it will allow you to still use the Windows GUI, without using the overly bloated Cygwin.

If you are looking to establish a GUI connection from a linux/unix machine to a Windows machine, check out VNC. It's transmissions are encrypted as well.

If you are looking to establish a remote console session from a Windows server to a Linux/Unix machine, then as mentioned previously, Putty is a good application, which also doesn't need Cygwin to run. Putty Control Manager can further be installed in Windows, which allows a tabbed Putty interface allowing you to connect to multiple linux/unix machines within single application window (which again, is tabbed.)

Lastly, if you are looking for a graphical file manager interface from a Windows machine TO a linux/unix box, WinSCP would be good for you to investigate. It basically emulates Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) functionality that can also integrate with Putty and your editor of choice. It itself connects to linux/unix machines via a SFTP (secure FTP) connection.
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