So.. what's up guys? good dawn for everybody.

First, little history.
A some time ago, i was enjoying pretty happy on my FreeBSD 10.3 in my old laptop with a very low hardware, was a AMD mobile processor that offer to me a 1,60GHz, 412mb of RAM, and 80gb of harddisk, anyway he was my friend and fulfilled his promises, but he died so young.... around 14 years old just because i'm a very lucky guy
With no more funny histories, let me go "almost" directly to the point;
Now i'm with a new hardware "a bit" better than my old friend that passed away so early. But for some reason the universe conspire agaiinst me, because on this new hardware my plug inputs for my wired connection doesn't work since that i got it, so what's the point? make you guys feel bored with the history of my hardwares? (HAHAHA), nono! I'm just tryin to entertain you that is reading because my problem is so simply that i almost feel embarrassed. Continuing... i need to use my wireless device, but BSD offers support to my wireless device? as i was saying in the top, i'm a very lucky guy, so that's the point... my wireless device is an "RTL8188CE 802.11b/g/n WiFi Adapter", that uses the driver "rtwn" to do his magic.
So you guys should be asking "Why this motherfucker doesn't just say, what his problem?" HAHAHA
The problem is that the only BSD Unix that support my wireless device are FreeBSD 11.0 (27 July), and OpenBSD 5.8, 5.9. Yes, i can use Open! but one thing that i didnt tell you guys is that OpenBSD come without the firmware files (rtwn-rtl8192cfwU) to my rtl8188ce (rtwn), now can you understand? you guys: "yeeeeees" HAHA.
Then i found one possibly solution that is copy the firmwares from my USB flash drive, and then install the firmware. (Because i can't do partitioning with success to install the OpenBSD with more than one system, so installed in whole harddrive).
Now without more histories, lets go directly to the point (now is seriously!).
Before, some information:
BSD Unix: OpenBSD 5.8.
USB Brand: SanDisk Corporation.
USB flash product: SanDisk Cruzer Blade.
USB device: sd1
USB partition: /dev/rsd1c
USB filesystem partition: ext2
Objective: mount to read.
When i try to mount my pen, i cant. Observe below:
BSD4LIFE# mount_ext2 /dev/rsd1c /mnt/pen
mount_ext2 /dev/rsd1c on /mnt/pen: Block device required
That never happened when i tried to mount my USB flash drivers on others BSD Unix, what is it? (Really sorry for my grammar errors, and the inconvenience)
Greetings from BSD Brasil.