firefox audio on NetBSD 9
Is there anyone on the forum who's done this recently? I had a working setup back on NetBSD 7, but have been using other OSes since then. Today I managed to get NetBSD 9 to install and run on my little Atomic Pi (Intel, not rpi) - altho it was a trip with UEFI.
Firefox 77.0 + pulseaudio + alsa seems not to be working like it was on version 7 of NetBSD. The command "pacmd list-sinks" is not seeing any audio devices, although I have a C-Media USB audio stick plugged into the Atomic. Supposedly the driver for a USB audio stick is uaudio, but it doesn't show up in a modstat listing, and can't be found by modload. Do I need to compile this driver? - I would think it's always a default option.
BTW: Youtube with FF77 seems fairly decent on the Atomic (speed-wise) using NetBSD9 (but lame w/o audio).
Last edited by rons; 5th August 2020 at 07:26 PM.