To be able to see the error messages logged by Firefox or Iridium in the system log, I wrote a simple shell script named
The logging is done by calling
logger(1) which according to this manual page "provides a shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log module".
# log iridium errors to syslogd var/log/messages with logger(1)
# --- mark startup with version number
/usr/local/bin/iridium --version | logger -t $TAG
# --- start and pass possible parameters in "$@"
/usr/local/bin/iridium "$@" 2>&1 | logger -t $TAG
echo $0: finished! | logger -t $TAG
# ----
Run it in the background with
$ ./ &
The system will respond with something like: [
Some entries from starting up:
Apr 25 02:21:09 ml310e iridium: (iridium:53757): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 02:21:09.659: Unable to create user data directory '/home/snap2/.local/share' for storing the recently used files list: No such file or directory
Apr 26 04:33:59 ml310e iridium: Iridium 2021.03
Apr 26 04:33:59 ml310e iridium: *** autoupdate was enabled, overriding with false
Apr 26 04:33:59 ml310e iridium: [32490:1474661720:0426/] Exiting GPU process due to errors during initialization
Apr 26 04:34:00 ml310e iridium: [59593:-281405888:0426/] Failed to register OID: 0