Is the problem X11, Fvwm2, or Firefox? Key binding config...
Greetings everyone,
My OpenBSD UI is sillier than a barrel of frogs and I can't figure out why!
So far my experience on this forum has been good, and before giving up and installing Fluxbox I thought I'd ask ... actually I don't even know the question ... but these are the problems I have:
I installed Firefox. Works fine but the title bar is above the topmost virtual desktop, I cannot reach it nor can I move the window (it's like that whenever I start Firefox) and further, if I left-click in the window, anyway, it just scrolls up? I can't click links or buttons or anything!
I cannot seem to move, or resize the terminal window (or any other window). Now, I may not be an OpenBSD expert, but I am not stupid! And after a week I still can't move a window, I think there may be something wrong.
I'm not sure if these two things are related. Currently I'm trying to understand the Fvwm configuration file hoping to find a line that says "LetWindowsMoveAndResize==NO".
I've heard a couple people say that, by default, dragging and resizing windows should be trivial....
Sorry for the long post .... anyone have any ideas/suggestions? I'm really stumped!