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  #1   (View Single Post)  
Old 17th April 2021
rayit rayit is offline
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Default PF FTP to outside 425 Can't build data connection: illegal port number

I have 1 firewall PF and 2 servers behind the FreeBSD firewall.

Everyting is working great for years.
But I wanted to make backups to a home computer with FTP (plesk server).

Problem: making a connection from behind the firewall to my home server.

Here is the configuration
ftp-proxy is started.
From outside to FTP server works great.
1 server not behind the firewall can backup to my home location with no problems.

I get as error from curl:
< 257 "/tank4t/backup" is current directory.
* Entry path is '/tank4t/backup'
> CWD plesk01
* ftp_perform ends with SECONDARY: 0
< 250 CWD command successful.
* Connect data stream passively
< 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||50516|)
*   Trying xx.xx.x.118...
* Connecting to xx.xx.x.118 (xx.xx.x.118) port 50516
* Connected to home.rayit.com (xx.xx.9x.118) port 21 (#0)
< 200 Type set to A.
< 425 Can't build data connection: illegal port number
* RETR response: 425
* Remembering we are in dir "plesk01/"
* Connection #0 to host home.xxxx.com left intact
curl: (19) RETR response: 425
PF config
plesk_services = "{ 8443, www, https, imaps, pop3s, 53, 5224, 6489, 8447, 993, 587, 465, 25, 20, 21, 49152:65535, 715 }"

# ping requestS
icmp_types = "echoreq"

# Private networks, we are going to block incoming traffic from them
priv_nets = "{,,, }"

### options
set block-policy drop
set loginterface $ext_if
set skip on lo0

### Scrub
# From the PF user's guide (http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/index.html):
# "Scrubbing" is the normalization of packets so there are no ambiguities in
# interpretation by the ultimate destination of the packet. The scrub directive
# also reassembles fragmented packets, protecting some operating systems from
# some forms of attack, and # drops TCP packets that have invalid flag
# combinations.
scrub in all

### nat/rdr
# NAT traffic from internal network to external network through external
# interface
### ftp proxy
nat-anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
rdr-anchor "ftp-proxy/*"
rdr pass proto tcp from any to $int_if port ftp -> port 8021

nat on $ext_if from $plesk03_int to any port {25} -> $plesk03_ext
nat on $ext_if from $plesk01_int to any port {25} -> $plesk01_ext
nat on $ext_if from $plesk01_int to any port {587} -> $plesk01_ext
nat on $ext_if from $int_if:network to any -> ($ext_if)
rdr pass on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $plesk01_ext port $plesk_services -> $plesk01_int
rdr pass on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to $plesk03_ext port $plesk_services -> $plesk03_int

################ Filtering #################################
### filter rules
block log all

### fail2ban
table <fail2ban> persist
block in quick from <fail2ban>

### spamd
table <soamd-white> persist

pass in on $int_if proto tcp from any to any  port 21 flags S/SA synproxy state
pass in on $int_if proto tcp from any to any port > 49151 keep state

# block incoming traffic from private networks on external interface
block drop in quick on $ext_if from $priv_nets to any

# block outgoing traffic to private networks on external interface
block drop out quick on $ext_if from any to $priv_nets

pass out proto tcp from any to any port ftp
pass in on $int_if inet proto tcp to port 21 divert-to port 8021
anchor "ftp-proxy/*"

# allow access to tcp_services on external interface
pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp from any to ($ext_if) port $tcp_services flags S/SA keep state

# allow in ping replies
pass in inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types keep state

# allow all traffic from internal network to internal interface
pass in  on $int_if from $int_if:network to any keep state
pass out on $int_if from any to $int_if:network keep state

pass out keep state

# allow all traffic out via external interface
pass out on $ext_if proto tcp all keep state
pass out proto tcp from self to any keep state
pass out on $ext_if proto { udp, icmp } all keep state
pass out on $int_if proto tcp all keep state

### end pf.conf
I read a lot and tried several things when I use any to any it works
But than the clients from outside can not connect anymore.

Would be great if somebody can point me in the good direction..
Many thanks!

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  #2   (View Single Post)  
Old 17th April 2021
J65nko J65nko is offline
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Location: Budel - the Netherlands
Posts: 4,174

The problem with ftp is that it sets up and tears down a new TCP connection, using different ports, each time DATA is being transferred.
I read a lot and tried several things when I use any to any it works
But then the clients from outside can not connect anymore.
The most simple and easy method is to temporarily attach that any to any rule to an anchor:
  • Load the rule into the anchor before starting the backup
  • flush/delete the rule from the anchor when the backup has finished.
You can manipulate rules in an anchor without having to reload the whole pf.conf file.

IMHO for backing up, setting up rsync(1), where you only have to deal with one single TCP connection, would be the better alternative. Or scp(1)
You don't need to be a genius to debug a pf.conf firewall ruleset, you just need the guts to run tcpdump

Last edited by J65nko; 18th April 2021 at 02:58 AM.
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  #3   (View Single Post)  
Old 18th April 2021
rayit rayit is offline
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Posts: 2

Many thanks for thinking with me..

I would love to use rsync or scp but Plesk works with FTP and clients can restore their backups manually and can browse them.
As it seems now the backup works but is not browsable.

many thanks
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  #4   (View Single Post)  
Old 18th April 2021
J65nko J65nko is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Budel - the Netherlands
Posts: 4,174

I had the impression that your issue was not very regular and only concerned you, hence my advice.

Please note that the following is on OpenBSD. FreeBSD uses an older version of pf and ftp-proxy.
To help in debugging and visualizing what is exactly going on you can do several things:

You can start ftp-proxy with the not-daemonize option -d to stay in the foreground and log to stderr. With the highest debugging level -D7 you get output like:
#1 client: CWD snapshots\r\n
#1 server: 250 Directory successfully changed.\r\n
#1 client: CWD amd64\r\n
#1 server: 250 Directory successfully changed.\r\n
#1 client: TYPE I\r\n
#1 server: 200 Switching to Binary mode.\r\n
#1 client: SIZE bsd.rd\r\n
#1 server: 213 4205697\r\n
#1 client: EPSV\r\n
#1 server: 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||51575|).\r\n
#1 passive: client to server port 51575 via port 61751
#1 proxy: 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||61751|)\r\n
#1 client: RETR bsd.rd\r\n
#1 server: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for bsd.rd (4205697 bytes).\r\n
#1 server: 226 Transfer complete.\r\n
#1 client: MDTM bsd.rd\r\n
With the lower level -D6 you get less:
root@alix[~]/usr/sbin/ftp-proxy -T FTP_DATA -d -D6

listening on port 8021
#1 FTP session 1/100 started: client to server 
   via proxy
#1 passive: client to server port 64749 via port 53235
#1 passive: client to server port 36316 via port 51977
#1 passive: client to server port 55342 via port 55731
#1 server close
#1 ending session
You can view the rules that ftp-proxy attaches to the ftp-anchor with a simple script:

#exec >${LOG} 2>&1
exec >>${LOG} 2>&1

if [ "x$1" = "x" ] ; then

while true ; do 
   pfctl -a 'ftp-proxy/*' -vvsr
   sleep $PAUSE
# ----
To watch the log you run # tail -f /var/log/anchor-log in another xterm.
Sun Apr 18 22:55:39 CEST 2021
anchor "30846.1" all {
@0 match in on rdomain 0 inet proto tcp from to
 port = 60225 flags S/SA keep state (max 1) tag FTP_DATA rtable 0 
  rdr-to port 59339
  [ Evaluations: 33        Packets: 5203      Bytes: 5349616     States: 0     ]
  [ Inserted: uid 109 pid 30846 State Creations: 0     ]
@1 match out on rdomain 0 inet proto tcp from to
  port = 59339 flags S/SA keep state (max 1) tag FTP_DATA 
  [ Evaluations: 1         Packets: 0         Bytes: 0           States: 0     ]
  [ Inserted: uid 109 pid 30846 State Creations: 0     ]
Keep in mind that in your case, on FreeBSD, the rules will be different ....

BTW On home networks that have an externally ftp server in a DMZ, people run two instances of ftp-proxy (each on a separate port), one for the external clients connecting to the DMZ server. The other one is for local home network users to use ftp servers on the internet.
That makes it easier to manage and create rules. Not sure if that would be helpful in your case.
You don't need to be a genius to debug a pf.conf firewall ruleset, you just need the guts to run tcpdump
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ftp, passive, pf

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