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This grew from a previous SimpleDesktop thread that built a lightweight Desktop Environment (DE) in OpenBSD. The older project relied on manually edited configuration scripts and menus. This iteration produces a fast, lightweight stacking desktop with a resting memory footprint around 320mb. When a user adds an application that has a freedesktop compliant *.desktop entry, it will automatically be added to the menu.
The primary goal is to provide a lightweight infrastructure that will not utilize resources that are better allocated to your actual task. The base OpenBSD install has a proactive approach to security and code correctness. If there is an OpenBSD application in the base install, for example xterm and the ksh shell, it is used instead of installing urxvt/bash. FreeDesktop compliant start scripts and *desktop file have been added to ~/Scripts and ~/.local. Another project goal is to utilize the lightest application that will provide the needed functionality. An example is playing audio files/streams which should not consume 50% of your cpu while you're simultaneously preforming another task. music/ncmpc was chosen to manage the music player daemon as it is lightweight and resource efficient. NCMPC/MPD used less than 2% of my old i386 cpu. The second "recommended apps" was chosen using the preceeding criteria. For common tasks, a subsequent post goes into details. The last goal is to provide enough documentation during the install process to expose new OpenBSD users to package management and system management. These instructions have been validated for version 7.6. The initial pkg_add installation remains a 2 step process; the first applications are core and cannot be altered without significant reconfiguration. The second set of recommended applications have been updated for gtk3+/gtk4+ and python3. Users have the option to replace any of the recommended apps with packages listed here. For example; If you prefer a graphical mpd client, in the install list, replace ncmpc with say audio/sonata. If you remove an ncurses app, you will need to either delete or hide (NoDisplay=true) the ~/.local/share/applications desktop entry. The project is always looking to improve and will look at any suggestions, scripts and applications. To keep this thread semi-organized, please respond in the BareGUI Development thread. Changes for 7.6 mail/claws-mail replaced the alpine client. Claws-mail has it own addressbook so abook was removed. Changed openbox hotkey Ctl-Alt-m from alpine to claws-mail. x11/pcmanfm replaced midnight commander as the file manager The above applications are gtk3+. graphics/gimp has two options; version 2.10 which is gtk2+ and version 2.99 which is gtk3+. Version 2.99 is in testing but works well with python 3. Changes for 7.5 None so far. Changes for 7.4 Corrected ~/Scripts/mc_start.sh for UTF-8. Tested in a new full install. This should also generate BareGUI for OpenBSD 7.3 and Current. Update: There is an OpenBox bug that results in a crash when an application running in full screen mode exits: x11/openbox broken with 7.4 upgrade A patch is in the works: OpenBox patch openbox-3.6.1p12 committed to current and backported to 7.4Release. Changes for 7.3 All applications are updated for gtk3 and Python3 sysutils/tray-app was replaced with a yad script to control audio volume. The port maintainer is caught up in the Ukrainian conflict and was unable to update to gtk3. The x11/yad script is gtk3 based and interfaces with OpenBSD own sndio audio server. multimedia/mpv replaced the old gtk2 gnome-player. x11/jgmenu updated to 4.4.1. Jgmenu no longer relies on menu-cache which was also removed. Changed gtk theme for Arc and provided instructions to install an openbox Arc theme These instructions can be used to install any openbox theme at Box-look. Sylpeed was removed, as it still relies on gtk2, and replaced with mail/alpine. mail/abook was added and pre-configured to work with alpine. mail/abook can import and export multiple addressbook formats including; vcard, ldif, csv, pine and palmcsv. Alpine itself is a currently maintained evolution of pine which was widely provided to college students. Once setup, archive a copy of the pinerc configuration file and you will be able to run on just about every platform (Mac, Windows, RHEL, Debian etc). Alpines configuration will depend on your email provider and helpful resources are in post #6 in this thread. Abook and Alpine configuration files were moved from ~/.abook and ~/.pinerc to ~/.config/abook ~/.config/alpine/pinerc respectively. All configuration files are now in ~/.config which should make backup easier. There are 2 versions of GIMP and the user will have the option to select either the older gtk2/python2 version or the still in testing gtk3/python3 version. I've been using the newer version although there are still some minor issues. The basic layout is similar to Mac OS/X interface. A bottom, one-click launcher for commonly used applications. A full menu is accessed by right-clicking on a blank area of the desktop or hitting the "Menu" key. The following "hot" key combinations are setup. C=ctrl, A=alt, Up=up arrow, Down=down arrow
Even though the ability to customize the DE has been simplified, users still need to be familiar with the OpenBSD FAQ, man pages, package management and text editing. A Base OpenBSD install provides vi, mg, ed and xedit. This project essentially chooses web browsers, email clients and office suites using criteria described later. All chosen apps are tested prior to release. After adding the additional packages, the DE is functionally the same as the older SimpleDesktop project. To get started, click the link to download. Extract the following tarball and the README should take you the rest of the way. BareGUI76.tar.gz If you are working from a new OpenBSD install, without a browser, this base ftp command should download: Code:
ftp -o BareGUI76.tar.gz https://daemonforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=1235&d=1739046099 OpenBSD Donations Link for review: Czech review Above Link Translated Last edited by shep; 4 Days Ago at 08:23 PM. Reason: Added links for reviews |
Adding Freedesktop compliant *.desktop entries
OpenBSD has some useful base applications that do not have menu entries. I have provided ~/.local/share/applications/*.desktop entries for xterm and xcalc along with an expanded ~/.Xdefaults. A classic Ti80 calculator look for xcalc is included. You can look at the examples and reference this Arch Linux wiki in order to generate additional *.desktop entries: Desktop Entries - ArchWiki If you want to modify the ~/.Xdefaults file, this is a good guide: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/X_resources In newer linux distributions Xresources provides the same configuration but requires xrdb to implement any changes. OpenBSD still uses ~/.Xdefaults which is read on each login. The Arch wiki also details how to avoid duplicate desktop entries in case there are duplicates in /usr/local/share/applications and ~/.local/share/applications. Just append Code:
NoDisplay=true Last edited by shep; 24th October 2022 at 11:18 PM. |
Scripting and adding *.desktop entries for ncurses apps
For those new to scripts, they need to be executable. Executable permissions can be lost during archive/compression and if they do not function, chmod +x the script. Ncurses applications are lightweight, responsive applications that run in a terminal. One issue is that the terminal may need to be resized to fully display the application. I do this by running a shell script that sets the xterm size and then executes the Ncurses application. The shell script is then executed by the *.desktop entry. When setting the geometry initially, you can mouse drag the corner of the xterm, running the ncurses app, and adjust. The changes in the geometry are displayed in a pop-up as long as the mouse button remains depressed. Note the geometry when it looks good and enter it after the xterm -g(geometry) flag. productivity/calcurse is now provided by default but makes a good example to walk through adding an ncurses application. Code:
# pkg_add calcurse ~/Scripts/calcurse_start.sh Code:
#!/bin/sh xterm -g 65x30 +sb -T "Calcurse Calendar" -e calcurse ~/.local/share/applications/calcurse.desktop Code:
[Desktop Entry] Name=Calcurse GenericName=Calendar Comment=Calendar Exec=~/Scripts/calcurse_start.sh Terminal=false Type=Application Encoding=UTF-8 Icon=x-office-calendar Categories=Office;Calendar; Last edited by shep; 13th April 2023 at 10:16 PM. |
x11/yad Tricks - scripting tint2/clock/calendars and abook sub-menu entries.
Tint2 does not provide a popup calendar but does have the capability to launch one. Most of the Linux based Openbox/tint2 distributions use productivity/gsimplecal which has subsequently been ported to OpenBSD. The project continues to use x11/yad to generate a calendar largely because BareGUI tries to avoid redundant applications. Yad is utilized for additional scripts and audio volume control. The ~/scripts/calendar.sh script positions the calendar under the panel clock The code to run the calendar script is in the clock section of ~/.config/tint2/tint2rc. mail/abook can manage multiple addressbook formats and you should be able to import your pre-existing contacts. It also supports multiple, separate address books which makes bulk emails easier although I still have to manually copy/paste the recipients to Bcc:. Here is the yad script that itemizes my abook addressbooks: ~/scripts/yad_abook.sh Code:
#!/bin/sh GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark \ yad --form --width=256 --text="Choose an Addressbook:" --title="Abook" \ --field="AirPark":fbtn 'xterm +sb -g 72x26 -T "Airpark AddressBook" -e abook --datafile /home/YOUR_USER/.config/abook/airparkaddress' \ --field="BlockWatch":fbtn 'xterm +sb -g 72x44 -T "Block AddressBook" -e abook --datafile /home/YOUR_USER/.config/abook/blockaddress' \ --field="Business":fbtn 'xterm +sb -g 72x44 -T "Business AddressBook" -e abook --datafile /home/YOUR_USER/.config/abook/bizaddress' \ --field="Family":fbtn 'xterm +sb -g 72x20 -T "Family AddressBook" -e abook --datafile /home/YOUR_USER/.config/abook/familyaddress' \ --field="Friends":fbtn 'xterm +sb -g 72x22 -T "Friends AddressBook" -e abook --datafile /home/YOUR_USER/.config/abook/friendsaddress' \ --window-icon=contact-new --button=gtk-cancel:6 and the desktop entry: ~/.local/share/applications/abook.desktop Code:
[Desktop Entry] Name=Abook GenericName=Contacts Comment=Manage Contacts Exec=~/Scripts/yad_abook.sh Icon=x-office-address-book Terminal=false Type=Application StartupNotify=false Categories=Office;ContactManagement; Last edited by shep; 27th August 2023 at 10:31 PM. |
Basis for package recommendations in OpenBSD 7.3
Web Browsers In OpenBSD, the major browsers can be categorized by security updates and pledged, privilege separation. Historically, only firefox-esr makes it through the 6/12month support cycles without dependency issues. Iridium, Chromium and Ungoogled-Chromium are reported to provide better privilege separation. Chromium provides both security updates and privilege separation at the expense of Google's tracking. Iridium uses the same Chromium codebase and attempts to patch out Google tracking. Iridium updated during the 7.2 ports freeze and may generate "out of date" browser warnings . Iridium goes through a time consuming validation process testing for Google data harvesting. Ungoogled-Chromium uses Iridium patches, applies them to the latest release but does not test for browser data being sent back to Google. Firefox-esr recommended due to more frequent security updates in OpenBSD. A quick note on www/firefox-esr. The default install has hidden messages about missing gvfs and xdg settings. This was addressed by adding packages devel/py3-xdg and x11/gnome/gvfs. To import your bookmarks.html, place the file in ~/Downloads and start firefox-esr from the command line in that folder. Email Clients Email clients fall into 4 categories. In the first category, inline html, OpenBSD has mail/evolution and mail/mozilla-thunderbird. Evolution pulls many Gnome3 dependencies. Html emails are generally frowned upon as click prompts can be disguised to run scripts or take you to a spoofed website. It is reported that this is how the GRU gained access to the DNC's email server. Evolution and Thunderbird have an option to display emails as text. The second category has text based email clients with GUI's. mail/sylpheed and mail/claws-mail are available. Claws-mail, forked from Sylpheed, provides plugins but 7.3stable has no html plugins. Previously claws-mail html plugins were discontinued in OpenBSD due to security problems. I previously recommended Sylpheed in this category but the present version uses the gtk2 toolkit. Gtk2 is not receiving any more updates - even security updates. Sylpheed 3.9 is in beta; beta and currently is still based on gtk2. mail/claws-mail is currently recommended for those who prefer a graphical client. A third category uses *.html to access IMAP emails. mail/roundcube, mail/geary and mail/trojita fall into this category. The later 2 utilize webkit. The last group are keyboard driven, text clients like mail/mutt, mutts' feature enhanced fork: mail/neomutt, mail/alpine, mail/aerc and mail/meli. If you have to frequently work through large numbers of emails, setting up and learning the keystokes for mutt/neomutt is worthwhile. I'd have chosen Mutt but the manually edited configuration script can be a massive chore. Once a Mutt user gets their configuration tuned, they tend to stay with it. Alpine and AERC have SETUP interfaces that mutt lacks and it should be easy to configure for Gmail and other IMAP providers. If you archive emails, on thing to be aware of is that there are 4 different storage formats: Mail Storage formats Office The most popular office suite is editors/libreoffice. It is an active, widely utilized suite that has good compatibility with MSOffice. It is large and resource heavy but is well implemented in OpenBSD. Lighter office utilities are editors/abiword, math/gnumeric and editors/calligra. Calligra is Qt5 based. Libreoffice is recommended unless your system is i386 based or ram limited. If Libreoffice runs slowly, consider Abiword and Gnumeric. Last edited by shep; 10th November 2024 at 05:03 PM. |
Time and Weather
NTP, x11/yad, graphics/ImageMagick and net/curl based Weather scripts. Note: In OpenBSD, it is possible to use the base ftp command to pull the *.txt files from https:// sites. I used curl so the same scripts will run in Debian as #!/bin/bash scripts. If you are an OpenBSD purist, you can easily modify the scripts to use the base ftp command. The base distribution utilizes openntpd to synch the computer clock on startup. man ntpd. My father was a USN trained pilot/navigator who compulsively sync'd his watch to the National Institute of Standards and closely monitored the weather. These weather scripts are helpful in scheduling outdoor activities and IMHO are better than the Gnome/XFCE4/KDE weather applications for US users. They do not constantly poll saving CPU cycles and bandwidth. The data is direct from US sources rather than extrapolated data from https://www.met.no. The following scripts will pull METAR (MEteorological Terminal Area Report) and METAF (MEteorological Terminal Area Forecast) from a nearby U.S. airport (ICAO code). These are free aviation weather products which are updated hourly. These can also serve as examples for pulling *.txt files and animated gif's. You should be able to paste in the url for your local product(s). ~/Scripts/weather.sh Code:
#!/bin/sh xterm -g 75x17-1+39 -T "Yakima, WA Weather" -hold -e \ curl -sk https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/data/observations/metar/decoded/KYKM.TXT Code:
#!/bin/sh # This is a simple script that downloads current weather conditions and zone # forecast from the National Weather Service to /tmp and displays them. # # To change the forecast zone, replace wa/waz027 with another forecast zone. # See <https://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/forecasts/zone/> for a list. # xterm -g 75x50-1+38 -T "Yakima, WA Forecast" -hold -e \ curl -sk https://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov/data/forecasts/zone/wa/waz027.txt In the US you can browse the available images at: https://radar.weather.gov/ridge/standard/. If you know the ICAO code for your nearby airport, you should see it in the list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICAO_airport_code ~/Scripts/weather_radar.sh Code:
#!/bin/sh # This is a simple script that downloads a composite radar image for the NW from # the National Weather Service # The script is configured for the Pacific Northwest. # # You can browse "https://radar.weather.gov/ridge/standard/" for your area curl https://radar.weather.gov/ridge/standard/PACNORTHWEST_loop.gif | \ animate -immutable -loop 0 -title "NorthWest Radar Loop" I use a yad --form to group all my weather products ~/Scripts/yad_weather.sh Code:
#!/bin/sh GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark \ yad --form --width=256 --text="Weather Menu:" --title="Weather" \ --field="KYKM Current":fbtn 'sh /home/YOUR_USER/scripts/weather.sh' \ --field="KYKM Forecast":fbtn 'sh /home/YOUR_USER/scripts/weather_forecast.sh' \ --field="KYKM TAF":fbtn 'sh /home/YOUR_USER/scripts/kykm_taf.sh' \ --field="PDT Radar":fbtn 'sh /home/YOUR_USER/scripts/pdt_radar.sh' \ --field="NW Satellite":fbtn 'sh /home/YOUR_USER/scripts/nw_satellite.sh' \ --field="NW Composite Radar":fbtn 'sh /home/YOUR_USER/scripts/weather_radar.sh' \ --field="CONUS Radar":fbtn 'sh /home/YOUR_USER/scripts/conus_radar.sh' \ --window-icon=weather-overcast --button=Close6 and call the yad_weather.sh script with a tint2 button ~/.config/tint2/tint2rc Code:
#------------------------------------- # Button 1 button = new button_icon = /usr/local/share/icons/Paper/32x32/status/weather-overcast.png button_text = button_tooltip = "Yakima, WA Weather" button_lclick_command = ~/Scripts/yad_weather.sh button_rclick_command = ~/Scripts/yad_weather.sh button_mclick_command = button_uwheel_command = button_dwheel_command = button_font_color = #000000 100 button_padding = 6 3 button_background_id = 0 button_centered = 0 button_max_icon_size = 32 #------------------------------------- Code:
#------------------------------------- # Panel panel_items = TSC panel_size = 100% 38 Code:
#------------------------------------- # Panel panel_items = TSPC panel_size = 100% 38 Last edited by shep; 16th May 2023 at 11:23 PM. Reason: updated for yad New weather.gov radar server |
Tint2 executor to display current wifi connection data.
This project tries to use OpenBSD tools whenever possible and recently the project has implemented a feature which can connect to multiple networks provided they are listed in your /etc/hostname.if file. The following script lets the user know, with a single click, which of the possible networks is being used. OpenBSD gains Wi-Fi "auto-join". The script is still a little rough. One issue is that ifconfig line that is parsed for connection data can lead off with "nwid" or "ieee80211". The script currently uses "grep ieee80211". If you do not use the join command your can either replace ieee80211 with nwid in the script or add "join" to your /etc/hostname.if. Some spacing issues in the yad output lead to the addition of non-printable \t "tab". ~/Scripts/obsd_wifi.sh Code:
#!/bin/sh TEST="$(nc -dzw1 443 2>&1)" if echo $TEST | grep '^Connect' >/dev/null ; then # IFS; Inter Field Separator (see man ksh) # to preserve newlines,save and set IFS to space only OLD_IFS="${IFS}" IFS=" " # capture 'ifconfig' output once and reuse .... IFCONFIG=$(ifconfig) #echo ${IFCONFIG} NWID="$(echo ${IFCONFIG} | grep ieee80211 | awk '{print $3}')" CHAN="$(echo ${IFCONFIG} | grep ieee80211 | awk '{print $5}')" BSSID="$(echo ${IFCONFIG} | grep ieee80211 | awk '{print $7}')" SN="$(echo ${IFCONFIG} | grep ieee80211 | awk '{print $8}')" IP="$(echo ${IFCONFIG} | grep inet | tail -n1 | awk '{print $2}')" cat <<END -------------------------------------- Current WiFi Connection -------------------------------------- NWID: $NWID CHAN: $CHAN BSSID: $BSSID S/N: $SN IP: $IP END else cat <<END ---------------------------------- Currently Connection Test nc google.com 443 is Down ---------------------------------- END fi Code:
#!/bin/sh yad --posx=-60 --posy=38 \ --text="$(sh /home/jsh/Scripts/obsd_wifi.sh 2>&1)" \ --undecorated --button=gtk-close:6 ~/.config/tint2/tint2rc Code:
#------------------------------------- # Panel panel_items = TSPPC panel_size = 100% 38 ----- #------------------------------------- # Button 1 button = new button_icon = /usr/local/share/icons/gnome/32x32/status/weather-overcast.png button_tooltip = "Yakima, WA Weather" button_padding = 6 3 0 button_max_icon_size = 24 button_lclick_command = sh ~/scripts/yad_weather.sh button_mclick_command = button_rclick_command = sh ~/scripts/yad_weather.sh # Button 2 button = new button_icon = /usr/local/share/icons/gnome/32x32/devices/network-wireless.png button_tooltip = "Wireless Connection" button_padding = 6 3 0 button_max_icon_size = 24 button_lclick_command = sh ~/scripts/yad_wifi.sh button_mclick_command = button_rclick_command = sh ~/scripts/yad_wifi.sh yad Notification Options yad Notification This is the output positioned under the wireless icon in the tint2 panel Last edited by shep; 24th October 2022 at 06:35 PM. Reason: updated for yad gtk3 |
audio/mpd Setup
These steps are provided now that ncmpc is the default mpd client. For a quick guide on ncmpc useage; hit the F1 key. Essentially create a ~/Music directory and populate it with your *mp3's. The mpd setup is described in this thread: Music Player Daemon (MPD OpenBSD Howto In ~/.config/openbox/autostart uncomment # Code:
# Start local instance of mpd #(sleep 2.0 && mpd ~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf) & ~/.config/mpd/socket and music directory to ~/Music Last edited by shep; 5th April 2023 at 02:20 PM. |
This details the setup of a CD/DVD/Blueray user interface based on libisoburn. I have used it on Blueray disks but the file size is limited to 4GB. You can have multiple 4G files though. sysutils/xorriso-tcltk does not include a wrapper application that is needed to run the interface. It is provided by www/tk, version 8.5. The needed packages are Code:
# pkg_add libisoburn xorriso-tcltk tk Add your user to the operator group and add group rw permission for /dev/rcd0*. The interface also provides for copying from one drive to another, so if you have several drives, adjust your permission to include group rw for both drives. For a freedesktop compliant menu entry, create ~/.local/share/applications/xorriso.desktop with the following content Code:
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=Xorriso GenericName=Disk Burner Comment=Optical Disk GUI X-GNOME-FullName=Openbox Menu Exec=xorriso-tcltk Terminal=false X-MultipleArgs=false Type=Application Icon=drive-removable-media Categories=Utility; MimeType= StartupNotify=true Last edited by shep; 9th April 2023 at 07:40 PM. Reason: added sharper screenshot |
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Under consideration: 1. Sylpheed to Claws-mail. Claws-mail offers more flexibility in regards to plugins although the older html plugins had security issues. The newer html plugin is webkitgtk4 based which is getting security updates. 2. A section on vimb/webkitgtk4. On my setup, vimb opens a page of commonly visited links. My morning routine is news, weather, markets and forums. In vimb, I can hit all of my routine sites without touching the mouse. Would be open to any EU weather input under time and weather section. I'm building my own jgmenu, using the latest code and running it. Upstream now has a "C" coded menu generator that does not need menu-cache. Upstream still includes a python3 based menu and the menu-cache option which I'm hoping will be phased out. The "C" coded menu generator lighter, faster and has less dependencies. Last edited by shep; 20th October 2022 at 03:47 PM. |
Ok thank you.
https://www.bbc.com/weather |
Thanks for the report. I'm still getting my own devices up to date and have not yet tried to do a new BareGui configuration in 6.7. I'm not aware of any major changes that need to be made.
On your BBC weather link, do you pull any animated gifs or *.txt files? If so, could you edit your post and point out the urls? |
The BBC weather service isn't very good any more, they switched from https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/ to the rather rubbish MeteoGroup to save money when the licence fee was frozen.
For a text-based weather service see http://www.wttr.in/ It's not as good as the Met Office forecast but it can be viewed in a terminal or from the TTY: Code:
curl wttr.in
Para todos todo, para nosotros nada |
I just changed in the script of weather.sh:
#!/bin/sh xterm -g 125x40-1+39 -T "City's Weather" -hold -e \ curl -sk http://www.wttr.in/ Code:
#------------------------------------- # Button 1 button = new button_icon = /home/ripe/pictures/sun_weather.png button_text = button_tooltip = "City's Weather" button_lclick_command = ~/scripts/weather.sh button_rclick_command = ~/scripts/weather_radar.sh button_mclick_command = ~/scripts/weather_forecast.sh button_uwheel_command = button_dwheel_command = button_font_color = #000000 100 button_padding = 6 3 button_background_id = 0 button_centered = 0 button_max_icon_size = 32 Code:
./weather.sh |
tint2 buttons support 3 mouse options: right click, left click and middle click.
I kept adding weather sources and exceeded the 3 options. My solution was to use ~/Scripts/yad_weather.sh. You can add as many locales and sources to the yad scripts as you want. I also had a wttr.in option with weather_forecast.sh. You should be able to return weather.sh to your local value and edit ~/scripts/weather_forecast.sh for the wttr.in source. I recommend reading the wttr.in documentation as it will allow you to pick forecasts more accurately. https://wttr.in/:help Last edited by shep; 24th November 2024 at 09:00 PM. |
I came back to BareGUI from Xfce that is kind of laggy on my computer. This Openbox session is more responsive. Any changes in program recommendation since last time?
I wanted to try Gimmix but it seems to be dead. Would Deadbeef make for a good replacement? Would Claws-mail be preferable alternative to Sylpheed? I've rarely used this email clients and would like to give it a try. |
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