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FreeBSD Ports and Packages Installation and upgrading of ports and packages on FreeBSD.

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Old 5th June 2010
rtwingfield rtwingfield is offline
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Default Ports Version associated with FreeBSD version


I have a legacy server running FreeBSD v4.8_EOL (end of life); regardless, it is what it is
When I update the ports tree via CVSUP, specifying tag-RELEASE_4_EOL, the Apache22 version downloaded is v2.2.4.

I have a newer server running FreeBSD v7.2, and the Apache22 version provided is v2.2.11.

When I ask CVSUP to download tag=RELENG_7 on the FreeBSD v4.8 (EOL) box, it appears that most if not all of the entire Ports tree is summarily deleted. For example, in /usr/ports/www/, only directories for firefox, firefox15, and joomla are left!!! Absolutely no apachen . . .whatever. It wipes out most of everything, and checks out nothing!

This may sound naive, but does this imply that Ports for RELENG_7 cannot be downloaded onto FreeBSD v4.8 (EOL)? This sounds like something MicroSoft would do . . .if they had a Ports System


Apparently make config DOES NOT work with apache v2.2.4. Is make config not a feature of apache v2.2.4? Can anyone confirm this?

I've tried make install -DWITH_suexec -DWITH_cgid et.al.
I had to manually copy mod_suexec.so from the FreeBSD v7.2 installation to /usr/local/libexec/apache22 to satisfy a complaint that the apache server could load mod_suexec.so. Apparently, the make did not make the mod_suexec.so file; regardless, this hack seems to work.

Once past that objection, the server moved on to complain that it could not load mod_cgid.so . . .so I borrowed the same from the FreeBSD v7.2 installation of apache v2.2.11 . . .just to learn that it could not find shared file libthr.so.3. (this latter file resides in /lib on the FreeBSD v72. system). Installing /lib/libthr.so.3 on the FreeBSD v4.8 system did not work (I'm not surprised).

I know . . .I know . . .I need to upgrade the FreeBSD v4.8. I plan to do so; in fact, the purpose of the v7.2 box is for that purpose, i.e., a backup system, but in the short run, I need to have parallel systems running on both releases . . .as much as possible.

I'm downloading ports-all specifying tag-RELEASE_4_EOL . . .yet again. I need the CGI and SUEXEC. I may have to reinstall apache v2.0 (although I was having problems installing SUEXEC with v2.0). Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
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Old 5th June 2010
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This may sound naive, but does this imply that Ports for RELENG_7 cannot be downloaded onto FreeBSD v4.8 (EOL)? This sounds like something MicroSoft would do . . .if they had a Ports System
No, you can download whatever ports/tags you want with cvsup. (Just don't expect the ports to work).
The problem is that there is no "RELENG_7" tag, the ports tree is only tagged for each version: RELEASE_7_0_0, RELEASE_7_1_0, etc.
You can see a list at the bottom of this page:

Please be aware, that this would mean that you would then be using:
An old and unsupported version of FreeBSD.
A ports tree that does not match this old version.
A ports that is no longer supported.

This will not work without signficant effort, time, and knowledge.
Use the FreeBSD 4 EOL portstree.

Apparently make config DOES NOT work with apache v2.2.4. Is make config not a feature of apache v2.2.4? Can anyone confirm this?
No, there are no options defined, look at the Makefile(s)
Makefile.doc has documentation on the various knobs.

Once past that objection, the server moved on to complain that it could not load mod_cgid.so . . .so I borrowed the same from the FreeBSD v7.2 installation of apache v2.2.11 . . .just to learn that it could not find shared file libthr.so.3. (this latter file resides in /lib on the FreeBSD v72. system). Installing /lib/libthr.so.3 on the FreeBSD v4.8 system did not work (I'm not surprised).
A FreeBSD 7 binary/library will not work on FreeBSD 4. You need to recompile the library on FreeBSD 4.
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Old 6th June 2010
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You're best off choosing A or B, IMHO.

A -> Upgrade server to a supported version of FreeBSD.
B -> Install software "Manually" from source.

In the case of B, it would mean for example, doing a pkg_delete on your apache setup, fetching the current sources from the ASF and doing the usual configure / gmake dance that port automates. On the upside you can often find fixes in category/portname/files/ as patch files, not that they will always work on such an old FreeBSD release.
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Old 6th June 2010
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apache22 applies several patches:
And probably more with sed inside the Makefile

These are patches for FreeBSD 6 and up. There are significant changes between FreeBSD 4 and 6.
It will definitely not be as easy as "fetching the current sources from the ASF and doing the usual configure / gmake", it will require significant knowledge, time, and effort.
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Old 7th June 2010
rtwingfield rtwingfield is offline
Real Name: Ron Wingfield
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Thanks, guys, for the input and suggestions. I know that I need to upgrade the v4.8_EOL FreeBSD to (at least) v7+ . . .and I will ASAP. BTW, foolish me regarding the CVSUP tag=RELENG_7 thing . . .that was a holdover from years gone back. My Catch-22 is that I need some things to work on the v4.8 box ASAP, and I'm still configuring the backup box running Apache v2.2.11 on FreeBSD v7.2. (on this latter system, I also need to bring up BIND 9+ and sendmail, et.al.)

I have Apache v2.2.4 running on the FreeBSD v4.8_EOL box and SSL is sort of working; however, the Apache make . . .yada yada yada did not like the -DWITH_SUEXEC or -DWITH_CGID; therefore, I've had to comment_out LoadModule suexec_module libexec/apache22/mod_suexec.so and LoadModule cgid_module libexec/apache22/mod_cgid.so in the httpd.conf file -- the *.so objects apparently were not created in ./libexec/apache22. Regardless, I am satisfied that I may be dealing with idiosyncrasies of the older versions of FreeBSD and Apache; however, I do have a question regarding the upgrade from Apache v2.0 to v2.2.4 and v2.2.11 that presents on both v2.2.+ systems. I think for the benefit of other forum users, I should start a new thread . . .perhaps Apache v2.0 vs. v2.2+ with SSL.

Thanks again,
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