Official FreeBSD Sites
[LINK] FreeBSD Project's homepage
[LINK] The FreeBSD Foundation - Non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the FreeBSD Project
BSD News
[LINK] FreeBSD in the press
[LINK] BSD news
[LINK] BSDplanet
[LINK] Slashdot BSD
[LINK] Daemon News
[LINK] BSD Newsletter
Forums / Usergroups
[LINK] DaemonForums.Org
[LINK] BSD Forums (Large database of information from a formerly maintained forum)
[LINK] BSD Nexus Forum
[LINK] Daemonnews Forum
[LINK] FreeBSD Diary forum
[LINK] FreeBSD user groups
[LINK] The UNIX Forums
Encyclopaedia / Wiki
[LINK] Encyclopedia: Berkeley Software Distribution - History of Unix at Berkeley.
[LINK] BSD @ Wikipedia
[LINK] Wikitest @
FreeBSD Software
[LINK] FreeBSD Ports - The FreeBSD ports and packages collection (14000+)
[LINK] FreshPorts - An up-to-date list of the status of every port in the ports collection
[LINK] The FreeBSD Ports Archive - A simple way to see the ports tree
[LINK] BSD Applications -
[LINK] GNOME on FreeBSD - The FreeBSD GNOME Website
[LINK] KDE on FreeBSD - FreeBSD on KDE Website
[LINK] GNOME packages - GNOME binary packages for FreeBSD
[LINK] OpenOffice on FreeBSD - The OpenOffice on FreeBSD Website
[LINK] BSD# - The BSD# Project is devoted to porting and maintaining the Mono .NET framework for FreeBSD
[LINK] OpenPKG - Cross-platform RPM-based Unix software packaging available for FreeBSD
FreeBSD advocacy
[LINK] *BSD myths - Describes and debunks some of the myths that surround the *BSD projects
[LINK] BSD Advocacy Forum
[LINK] About the FreeBSD Project - A Brief History of FreeBSD
[LINK] Unsinkable FreeBSD rising
[LINK] Computerworld - Australian company develops FreeBSD-based radars
[LINK] FreeBSD, Stealth-Growth Open Source Project
[LINK] Netcraft: Nearly 2.5 Million Active Sites running FreeBSD - A Netcraft report
[LINK] BSD vs Linux - BSD for Linux users
[LINK] Explaining BSD
[LINK] UNIX vs LINUX by Artis Caune
[LINK] FreeBSD for Linux Users I
[LINK] FreeBSD for Linux Users II
[LINK] The BSDs: Sophisticated, Powerful, and (mostly) Free
[LINK] And what about BSD? By Brett Glass
[LINK] Is FreeBSD a Superior Server Platform to Linux?
[LINK] FreeBSD vs Linux vs Windows - Is FreeBSD better than other OSes?
BSD Search
[LINK] Google's BSD search
FreeBSD Documentation
[LINK] FreeBSD documentation (by the FreeBSD Documentation Project)
[LINK] FreeBSD Handbook - FreeBSD support channels
[LINK] Resources for newbies - Some useful resources for newbies
FreeBSD eBooks
[LINK] The Complete FreeBSD
FreeBSD Tutorials / Guides / Howto's
[LINK] FreeBSD Open Documentation Library
[LINK] - More FreeBSD HOWTOs
[LINK] - How-to articles and scripts
[LINK] Chucktips - Another FreeBSD site for newbies (tips and how-to's)
[LINK] The FreeBSD Diary - Collection of how-to guides for FreeBSD and forum
[LINK] - Unix and Unix-like How-to's
[LINK] UnixCities - FreeBSD and Linux tutorials
[LINK] Screaming Electron's How-To's
[LINK] The Labs: FreeBSD mini howtos
[LINK] FreeBSD cheat sheets
[LINK] For People New to Both FreeBSD and Unix - for people new to both FreeBSD and Unix
[LINK] BSD Guides - FreeBSD
[LINK] Michael & Mary's PC-BSD tips
[LINK] FreeBSD how-to's at O'Reilly Networks' website (ONLamp)
[LINK] Scottro's guides
[LINK] FreeBSD mail archives
[LINK] Unixguide's FreeBSD 6.0 install guide
[LINK] BSD Freak (Dutch)
[LINK] Essetee's How-To's (Dutch)
[LINK] FreeBSD Mailing Lists
FreeBSD-related blogs and personal homepages
[LINK] BSD Planet - Syndicates feeds from major BSD sites and some BSD blogs
[LINK] TaoSecurity - Topics: network security, FreeBSD, book reviews and more
[LINK] Notes/FreeBSD - Configuring a FreeBSD server
[LINK] MostlyGeek - Topics: FreeBSD, Security, Sys Admin, etc.
[LINK] EnergyHQ - Miguel's weblog: *BSD, cats and more
[LINK] Deamon dancing in the Dark - Wherein one man comments upon his journey to FreeBSD nirvana
[LINK] FreeBSD @
[LINK] FreeBSD @ The Labs
[LINK] Martin Cracauer's FreeBSD Page
[LINK] BSD Podcast
[LINK] The BSD License
[LINK] Meaning of different device letters
[LINK] FreeBSD mirror sites - A database of FreeBSD mirrors
[LINK] How to install Linux Oracle on FreeBSD
[LINK] How to run Oracle for Linux on FreeBSD
[LINK] Running Oracle Application Server for Linux on FreeBSD
[LINK] FreeBSD Hackers Net
[LINK] FreeBSD Mall - Buy FreeBSD CDs/DVD, bundles, t-shirts, stickers, ...
[LINK] BSD Mall - Another Website where you can buy FreeBSD stuff
[LINK] BSDNexus Wallpapers
[LINK] BSD Pictures
[LINK] Comparison of BSD Operating Systems
[LINK] BSD Family Tree
[LINK] Unix History
[LINK] Unix Timeline
Original link (doesn't not exist anymore?):